Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hawaian Delight Baby Food

Crónica concierto Love Of Lesbian en el Palau de la Música (29/01/2010)

Date: Friday, January 29, 2010. Place: Palau de la Musica Catalana, Barcelona. Attendance: 2,150 people (sold-out). Admission: 36 euros.

I'm not going to cheat, going to the concert with some reservations or preconceived ideas that thankfully faded away. I did not expect a concert so rich and varied, so long (2 hours 20 minutes long), and yes I was expecting the public to a bunch of biased modernillos corearlo clapping and everything, and luckily it was not . Even the singer Santi Balmes that until now seemed a pretty pedantic, I dropped a nice one! I'm beginning to worry, did I become a modernillo and I am not aware of it? Arggg! What

who are the Love Of Lesbian these? Surely more than one I have thought. Well I personally think that these 4 guys in Barcelona are one of the best (for me the best) bands that are currently in Spain with Vetusta Morla, Delorean , We Are Standard or Planets, but seeing the picture of shit (speaking in silver) that is advertised in this country musically is not very difficult you will think. But in this case, these guys are worth a lot. With over 10 year career and 6 albums, with a discreet and unseen beginning with their first 3 albums in English, have exploded with the last 3 in Castilian, which combines pop / rock style independent British holiday themes, delusions and absurdities that are guarantee fun with hilarious and witty lyrics. Luckily the rotten mainstream English music has not yet noticed them, but the pockets of these guys would be appreciated in the soul.

The last Friday was a concert no more, because the Palau de la Música is the place where you can play around here, no doubt a magical place , Which is rendered difficult not to fall to such a momentous and historical scenario (which begins to regain his dignity after the "sausages" of Felix Millet and Jordi Montull ). With a public still impressed by the beauty and the beautiful voice of Helena Miquel , singer of opening act Élena group (very good band in Catalan), Love Of Lesbian faced perhaps the most important concert of their lives. And passed with flying colors. Despite starting a little nervous, soon acquired cruise night until the speeding locomotive derailed in the encores.

The structure of the concert was excellent most of the more quiet, emotional and important in the initial part before the encores, and just putting all the items they refer to as the "songs not serious" in a lengthy encore to convert to Palau at a party. The evening began with the beautiful Sunday Astromancer (ideal for an intimate and magical start), to start with Where we used to shout (the big theme of the last album, good and long version but pity the guitarist Jordi Roig which has not yet given the right to direct distortion), but the public went into heat and the liveliest The bad language and a large Nights reversible, followed by magnetic She dedicated to the muses of the Palau de la Música. After

escapism maneuvers came the most intimate and emotional segment of the night . This began with Life On Cinemascope (the only topic of English stage who visited on Friday) sung with the collaboration of vocalist Desi , infinite universes tested the roar of the crowd of Palau, as well as the beautiful A day in the park dedicated to his son Santi Balmes and which began help of a trio of wind (trumpet, trombone and sax) who added a level to many of the songs.

The fantastic colors of a shadow massive passion returned back to Palau to get too introspective with the 3 most precious items from the last album, Second assault (as well as pity Where we used to that guitar scream Jordi Roig has not found the right distortion for live), 1999 (if this song was a British group would travel around the world) and 2009 I will break windows sung collaboration with vocalist Zahara, with that wonderful piano melody that you wish to never end. Here ended the concert before the encore, since then the record would change radically and the party was starting dot!

was time to skip a stage of course respect as impressive as the Palau de la Musica, and the Love Of Lesbian more fun, surreal, irreverent clowns and the brown roped and bundled so brown that is where they feel like fish in water! The encores ripped with the new anthem of modernillos that has become the hilarious Fan Club John Boy , which caused the delirium and the Palau entire lift the seat to let your hair down. The elevator music popera kept us smiling before the last intimate moment of the night with Family Issues again that made people sit last. Here is a great version of Snow Fire put us on foot (great contribution here the trio of wind), to again return to the cabaret irreverence I love (and fun choreography) and the even more festive Miau sung with the collaboration of singer Carlos Cros . From this a tribute no less surreal Felix Millet celebrating the second wedding in the history of Palau (the first was paid Millet's daughter with the help of public funds of Palau), with Carlos Cros officiating boyfriend transvestite girlfriend of the most picturesque, tremendous.

The last batch of encores and was the absolute dishevel . Across the whole audience appeared entire band dressed in silver peas with red cape and Cossack hat, to carry out the most surreal carnival. Of course, dressed for the occasion began with the song so currado reason disguise much iron you (The story of the lover pea) , another fun song with lyrics delusional clown. After it's no less surreal and funny Houston, we have a poem , the first song that motivated them to dress up (until then always interpreted astronauts dresses). And when it seemed that all was over rang the irreverent and electro recorded Some plants (dedicated to the potheads) to be lucieran doing the monkey by the audience, jumping on seats and causing a wave in Palau. Great end to a perfect night , which just missed my taste they played that great wonder of the parable of the foolish and already happened My first combustion .

Ultimately, the parent party, the night Love Of Lesbian is enshrined as one of the bands of the moment in one of the best possible scenarios . Meanwhile, the blindness of the English general music press still has the blinders on high up to groups that all sound-emitting are tons of shit about our ears, but for me and can continue to do so for ever and ever while generations and generations of people without the slightest musical concerns continue to idolize any prefabricated product that put them ahead.

Attentive to these guys, and if you the opportunity to cash them to see, not what you think because you going to spend big. Upon my word discredited.

Here are some of the videos I recorded during concert:

2009. I'll break the windows

family issues


Some plants final concert

1. Sunday Astromancer
2. Where we used to shout
3. The gossips
reversible Nights 5. The girl magnet
6. Reversible nights
7. Life On Cinemascope (with Desi )
8. Infinite universes
9. A day in the park
10. The colors of a shadow
11. Second assault
12. 1999
13. 2009. I'll break the windows. ( with Zahara ) -------------------------------------------

------------- encore 1:
14. Fan Club John Boy
15. Elevator music
family matters 17. Snow Fire
18. I love
19. Miau ( with Carlos Cros )
----------------------------------------- ---------------
encore 2:
20. I hurt you much (The history of pea lover)
21. Houston, we have a poem
22. Some plants

Thursday, January 28, 2010

How To Dowenload Cudia

Canciones del día

Often I will be posting individual songs, with their video for YouTube and link to listen to Spotify.


Love Song Nick Cave's harrowing big, alcoholic and outdated that genius capable of the best but also the worst. Special attention to the video, of course if they were my children not let them come closer to Nick Cave ...

Listen to "The Ship Song" in Spotify


Rock 'n' roll the good, with hints of blues. Temazo unreservedly the great Rory Gallagher, an Irishman who has not been done justice. Someday I'll talk seriously about this big ...

Listen to "Hell Cat" in Spotify

Poper: JAMES - SIT DOWN (1989)

British Pop
well done, cool cheerful. And that is despite having already 21 years old the subject, it seems very current. James, another great band that she has never been done justice.

Listen to "Sit Down" in Spotify


previous albums which have marked these kids, and this great song is what makes you leave home with a smile and eager to eat the world!

Listen to "Can You Give It" in Spotify