Monday, April 26, 2010

Sitting And Squashing

RECOMMENDATION: Foals - Antidotes (2008) 3 advances

With a second album just out on the market (" This Life Forever" - 2010) and will soon also diseccionaré, today we'll focus on the debut album from these guys from Oxford called Antidotes "which was released in 2008.

This " Antidotes" is a breath of fresh air and a full-fledged whiplash, relentlessly. If you want to beat a record that you put batteries, optimistic, and that makes you move your body, this is your album! In it you will find a combination of new rave (dance fusion of indie rock with electronica and punk) with available math rock (syncopated rhythms with almost mathematical precision) and air funk clearly enhanced by an interesting horn section. Topics carefree, happy and dancing, are almost all hits that would work solvent in any dance floor and secured party are synonymous. Its frenetic pace can remember us positively ! (Chk Chk Chk) or LCD Soundsystem, though the voice of lead singer Yannis Philippakis also reminds us too negatively of Kele Okereke of Bloc Party hateful. In short, good Foals debut album a very regular hesitates only slightly in the beginning but once cruising speed acquired from the 4 th cut "Olympic Arways " and is unstoppable. It is an extraordinary CD, surely not go down in history but perfectly fulfills its purpose and overall result is more than satisfactory.

Let it issues "Antidotes "
1. The French Open : good start already guess funk rhythm the album, with great power of the winds and a powerful chorus.
2. Cassius : fast hit that serves as a single presentation and that is their most famous track. Is the cutting disc and almost danceable just touching the histrionics. Here the math rock bases are most evident.
3. Red Sock Pugie : the issue that most reminds Bloc Party, if we say that is what we believe them without question. Still not bad, has a good beat and catchy, although it is too long with a slower final speed that does not add much of anything.
4. Olympic Arways : without doubt the best song on the album. The simple guitar riffs of this issue combined with a subtle but precise percussion and bass line makes good distilling supreme elegance. Much calmer than the other tracks on the album, shows that for a apace no need to climb the revolutions nonsense.
5. Electric Bloom : Like Olympic Arways this a lot about the little calm compared to the rapid start of the disk. Bill similar theme, elegant, with an interesting guitar riffs and good bass line, and also do not see the horn section. The best of the album.
6. Balloons : short but intense funk issue with electronic touches, another light hits the disc with an impressive rate and a successful work of the horn section.
7. Heavy Water : downtempo quiet does not lose the essence of the disc. The 2 part of the topic are encouraged quite a pace and funk math rock.
8. Two Steps, Twice : like Heavy Water quiet start to finish in a crescendo of rhythmic percussion and rhythms of pure rock essence math.
9. Big Big Love (Fig. 2) : After Olympic Arways , the second best song on the album. It is the dream of the disk track with a dreamy intro with a pretty impressive but simple tap and an equally simple percussion. Gradually, the issue is growing as the plotting is accelerated to finally transforms into a dance where electronics whiplash gains prominence.
10. Like Swimming : short instrumental separator just 2-minute highlight that as a curious note palms as percussion on a guitar riffs with slight Asian touches.
11. Tron : final discrete remains half-hearted from funk and rock math. Luckily, it encourages slightly at the end.


Listen "Antidotes" by Foals in Spotify



Olympic Airways

Thursday, April 15, 2010

How To Remove Snot From Newborn

"High Violet", the new of The National

Finally, the May 11 get the expected 5th studio album The National , is titled "High Violet." For the more impatient and to whet your mouth, already know 3 of the themes that will form part of the album: Love Terrible, Afraid Of Everyone and Bloodbuzz Ohio. Frankly, all 3 have a great pint. I feel that this will be an album large, which leave their mark. And is that with a spectacular cover does not fit a bad album. Question of sensations.

Terrible Love

Everyone Afraid Of

Bloodbuzz Ohio

Monday, April 12, 2010

Best Prepaid Connection In New Delhi

clasificaicon Euro Classic IX

€ uro Classic IX
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Senior Independent

Club MONTERO 185 1977 GUTIERREZ, Juan Banderas 0:54:02 1 281 1976 ANTA
NUÑEZ GARCIA, Oscar 0:54:39 \u200b\u200b2 271 1986 MARTINEZ Independent
Terradillos, 0:54:46 3
Augustine 330 AD Capiscol LAZARO 1982 SERVANT, Juan Manuel 0:55:01 4 305 1986 GALLEGO Independent
Arnaiz, Victor 0:55:04 1982 247 5
Independent BARRIUSO GONZALEZ, Hector 0:55:37 6 194 1978 Independent
RODRÍGUEZ MARTÍNEZ, Ivan 0: Independent
57:05 7 251 1987 GOMEZ LECU, Mike 0:57:58 8 152 1982 HERNANDO Independent
PEÑA, Juan Simón 0:58:38 9 151 1981 HERNANDO Independent
PEÑA, Ismael 0:58:46 10
Aliment. TWO SISTERS 145 1980 PEÑA MARTINEZ, Javier 0:58:57 11 202 1979 Independent
PEREIRA, Rodrigo 0:59:19 12 248 1982
ANTA Banderas GONZÁLEZ GIL, Rodrigo
Independent 0:59:20 13 123 1975 MINGO BOOTY, José Independent
Antonio 0:59:55 14 176 1976 ANDREW SEVILLA, José Ignacio 1:00:52 15 249 1977 SERNA Independent
PEÑA Javier
Independent 1:01:45 16 241 1980 CORRALES DIEZ, 1:02:30 17 Ivan Independent
203 1977 DOMINGO RUIZ, Oscar Javier 1:02:42 18 274 1976 Independent
OTTONE MATA, Victor 1:04:53 1980 228 19 Independent
SARDINIA LOPEZ, Diego Independent
1:04:53 20 257 1978 BENITO Revilla, José Ignacio 1:05:33 21 187 1980 AGUILAR
Independent BARRIO, Alberto
Independent 1:05:55 22 130 1983 DEL CAMPO GONZALEZ, Jaime 1:06:03 148 1976 23 Independent
ZARAIN MANERO, José Manuel 1 : 07:24 24 181 1983 YAGÜE
Independent, Independent
Gabriel 1:07:34 25 292 1986 SIERRA GARCIA, Jonathan 1:07:58 26 128 1980 SOURCE Independent
PEREZ, Héctor
Independent 1:07:59 27 295 1980 SANTAMARÍA MARCOS, Fernando 1:08:39 28 293 1976 WHEAT
Independent RUIZ, Ignacio 1:08:59 29 226 1978 Independent
Andres Gonzales, Rodrigo
Independent 1:10:13 30 124 1978 JIMENEZ ORTEGA, Juan José 1:19 : 29 Independent
204 31 1977 Andres Barrios, Rodrigo 1:19:37 32
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veterans A
Club Independent
SANTAMARÍA 197 1973 RUIZ, José María 1
0:47:38 310 Medina de Pomar RESINES 1975 HILARIO, Ventura Independent 0:49:27 2 219 1971 ESNAOLA
Garaizabal, Zigor
INCESA 0:52:39 3 327 1970 Bearberry NEBREDA Aranda, Cesar Aranda INCESA
0:52:51 4 326 1970 CALVO DIEZ, Sergio 0 : 54:28 5 1971 193 Independent
Cantalapiedra GONZALEZ, Jorge 0:54:45 6 231 1974 Independent
ESTEBAN ESTEBAN, Julio 0:55:02 7 279 1973 Independent
LASION RUIZ, Luis Javier 0:55:08 8
page May 1 Burgos, April 11, 2010 269 1970
Independiente del Olmo Isar, Ricardo 0:55:14 9 314 1972 Independiente
Castilla Lopez, Jose Antonio 0:56:35 10 311
Medina de Pomar 1973 Oteo Robles, Ignatius Independiente
11 12:57:05 1972 142 ALONSO Pedrosa, Roberto 0:57:36 12 132 1972 Independiente
Tabaré RUIZ, Francisco Javier 0:58:33 13 133 1973 Independiente
Mayor Revilla, Jesús Maria 14 12:59:28
Independiente 127 1975 MIGUEL Gallo, Fernando 1:01:07 15 301 1970
Tragaleguas Mong Gonzalez, Jose Luis 1:01:52 16 189 1971 Independiente
RODRIGUEZ ALVAREZ, Gregory 1:02:10 17 225 1974 Independiente
Badia Pardo Richard 1:02:13 18 177 1973 Independent
1:02:56 19 296 1974 The Pied SANTAMARIA MERINO, Roberto Runners 1:04:27 20 268 1973
Pig PIT PEREA, Angel Pablo 1:04:30 21 138
Independent ELENA 1971 CALVO, Raul
Independent 1:04:55 22 175 1972 RODRIGUEZ, Antonio Independent
1:05:15 23 272 1971 MIGUEL PEREZ, James 1:05:49 24 207 1972 TEN Independent
ESTEBAN, Ignacio 1:06: October 1925 126 1973 Independent
ARRIBAS ANTONIO, Mark 1:06:39 26 284 1971 Independent
VEGA HERRERA, Juan Carlos 1:06:41 27 150 1971 Independent
PRIMO MENDEZ, Jose Manuel 1:06:50 28 223 1974
Independent LOZANO MERINO, Carlos Independent
1:06:55 29 299 1973 GÓMEZ GARCÍA, Luis Miguel
Independent 1:06:56 30 238 1975 GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, Rafael 1:07:05 31 208 1974 Independent
Matarín VEGAS, Ruben 1:07:16 32
Independent OLLAURI 125 1975 VICENTE, Jose Vicente
Chancho Runners 1:07:20 33 265 1973 GARCIA NIETO, Luis Carlos 1:07:42 34 196 1973 AMIGO
Independent, Independent Angel
1:07:59 35 147 1975 VAL Reizabal Rodrigo 1:08:24 36 216 1975 MATTHEW
WIN Independent, Andrew 1:08:37 37 229 1975 Independent
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, Eloy 1:08:41 38 205 1973 Independent
GONZÁLEZ ORTEGA, Diego 1:08:48 39
Independent REVILLA 144 1972 ARROYO, Jorge 1:10:25 40 183 1971 DELGADO Independent
TORRE, Chancho
Eufrasio Runners 1:11:39 41 267 1973 GARCIA Ausin, Oscar 1:11:56 42 291 1973 GARRIDO Independent
Montoya, Raul Independent
1:12:04 43 191 1971 TOQUERO BARBER, Oscar
Chancho Runners 1:13:48 44 266 1973 MIGUEL APARICIO, Alberto
Independent 1:18:01 45 254 1971 PETER gari, 46 Roberto 1:19:18 Independent
CHURCHES 141 1971 ROMERO, Miguel Angel 1:19:46 47
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veterans B

Independent Club 212 1967 ESTEBAN PEREZ, Luis Angel Rioja 0:47:12 1
Añares 324 1969 VITOR Bañares, Conrrado Independent 0:48:11 2 136 1966
Garcia Caceres, Jose Carlos 0:50:46 3 329 1969 Independent
0:51:41 4 325 1966 CALVO DIEZ, Javier 0:52:57 5 307 1968 Tragaleguas
ELORRIAGA, Rafael 0:54:54 6 275 1967 Independent
Ubierna SIXTO, Miguel Angel 0:55:28 7 277 1967 Independent
ANDRADE PEREZ, Santiago 0:57:08 8
CAME Briviesca 289 1970 FIELD ROAD, Roberto 0:57:32 9 288 1969
CAME Briviesca GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, Félix 0:57:45 10 135 1968 Independent
Independent 0:59:30 11 221 1966 PARDO GARCÍA, José Ramon 1:00:03 12
Page 2 of 5 Burgos, April 11, 2010 259 1969 Independent
ESTEBAN GARCÍA, Juan Jose 1:00:07 13 224 1965
Tragaleguas Mediavilla García, José Alberto 1:00:20 14
MENENDEZ Tragaleguas 236 1966 GUTIERREZ, Francisco 1:02:39 15 270 1965 Capiscol
Santidrián AD ON THE FARM,
Antonio 1:03:59 16 242 1969 The Pied DÍEZ brother, Jesus 1:04:17 17 200 1966 MARTINEZ
Independent Jimeno, Luis Angel 1:05:27 18 306 1969 Independent
ALONSO ROMERO, Andrés 1:07:31 19 195 1968 QUECEDO
Independent, Independent
Antonio 1:07:38 20 1967 199 SAN ESTEBAN Requejo, Luis Felipe 1:08 : 12 21 300 1966 PEREZ
Independent PALOMO, Ricardo Independent 1:08:16 22 285 1969 SANTAMARÍA
PEÑA, Roberto
Independent 1:09:02 23 182 1966 PEREZ MERINO, Francisco Independent
1:10:46 24 243 1967 COLD WELL, Jesus Felix
Independent 1:12:04 25 190 1969 SANCHO CASINO, Oscar
Independent 1:13:48 26 173 1966 MARINA MARINA, Joseph 1:20:42 27
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veteran C
Club 258 1962 BRIDGE ANTONIO Banderas, Jesus
UBU 0:49:41 1 - Box 1960 282 WAIVE PEÑA Burgos, Ernesto
Independent 0:50:34 2 1960 211 VICAR MORENO, Jesús María Independent
0:51:36 3 201 1961 MELENDRO PAYO, Manuel 0:51:36 4 273 1963
AD Capiscol HERRERO ESTEBAN, José Manuel 0:54:02 5 246 1964 MAYORAL Independent
DIEZ, José 0:56:04 6 Independent
ALBA 237 1961 JIMENEZ, Juan José Aranda INCESA
0:56:56 7 328 1963 DE LA MORENA, José Antonio 0:58:05 8 286 1964
AGUILERA VIAMONTE Independent, Independent
Jesus 1:00:04 9 304 1962 SANTAMARÍA GIL, José Manuel 1:01:38 10 140 1961 Independent
Santidrián NAVARRO, Ricardo
Tragaleguas 1:02:19 11 232 1962 RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, Diego 1:04:04 12 146 1965 Independent
TOME RED, Jose María 1: 5:32 13
Independent BLESSED INFANTE 290 1961 Innocent
Tragaleguas 1:05:36 14 264 1961 CANE, Mauricio 1:06:20 15 192 1964 Independent
TOME RUIZ, Luis Alberto
Independent 1:07:17 16 179 1961 MORENO GONZÁLEZ, Juan José Independent
1:08:04 17 294 1962 LOPEZ ALONSO, Pedro
Tragaleguas 1:08:20 18 233 1962 RODRIGUEZ SOTO, José Manuel 1:08:33 19 143 1960 HIGHWAY Independent
OLALLA, Antonio 1:12:25 20
Independent STEWARD 149 1961 MIGUEL, Carlos 1:14:53 21
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veteran D
Club Independent 178 1959 BARREIRO
PÉREZ, Juan José 0:53:01 1
Independent BARON AGUADO 222 1960, José Antonio Independent 0:55:25 2 180 1957
CARRANZA GOMEZ Felix Athletics Briviesca 0:55:48 3 217 1959
BORAGE DEL RIO, José Luis 0:57:31 4 303 1957 Independent
Tragaleguas 0:57:41 5 239 1956 ANDREW LOPEZ, Jesus 1:00:47 6 312 1958 Independent
PÉREZ MARTÍN, Melecio 1:01:11 7 139 1959 Cascon ABAV
VILLAR, Primitivo 1:01:54 Independent
1955 8 134 GARCIA CARMONA, José Ramón 1:02:35 9 250 1960 LEFT Independent
GONZALEZ, Javier 1:05:15 10 209 1956 Independent
ARRIBAS CABINS, Goyo 1:07:02 11
Burgos Page 3 of 5 , April 11, 2010 234 1960
Tragaleguas CARRIEDO LÓPEZ, Pablo Jose 1:08:56 12
UBU - Caja de Burgos 302 1959 SOURCE VALENCIA, Manuel 1:10:41 13 131 1956 QUINTANA Independent
NUNEZ, Candido 1:12 16 14
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veteran E
Club Independent 220 1953 SOURCES
Ferrera, James 0:52:08 137 1955 1 Independent
0:55:20 2 308 1953 REQUEJO Royuelo, Basil 0:58:18 3 235 1952 MARISCAL Tragaleguas
PÉREZ, José 0:58:33 4 309 1955 Tragaleguas
SAUCO GIMENEZ, Leandro Independent
1:00:20 5 184 1954 WHITE ELM, German 1:00 : 47 Independent
1951 6 186 WHITE ELM, Alejandro 1:02:31 7 313 1953 Independent
BUSTILLO BARBER, Andrew 1:05:35 8 129 1952 ABAV
FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, Pedro 1:07:02 9 278 1952 Torrijos
Tragaleguas BAQUEDANO Ramiro 1:07:39 10 298 1953 Tragaleguas
GIL MORENO, Francisco
1:10:19 11 188 1954 LOPEZ BENITO Independent, Oscar 1:11:55 12 215 1954 MALDONADO
Tragaleguas MONGE, Euniano 1:14:18 13 Independent
CUMBREÑO 122 1952 RED, Juan Jose 1:17:48 14
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veterans Club
F 244 1946 SERNA VELASCO, Timothy 1:03:28 1 214 1950 Tragaleguas
MUÑOZ ARANDA, Antonio 1:06:20 2 245 1947 Tragaleguas
QUINTANA RUIZ, Carlos 1:19:45 3
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veterans Club
Tragaleguas NIPPLE 213 1942 TORRES, Manuel 1:15 : 30 1 FEMALE

Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Senior

Oviedo Athletic Club 280 1985 Martin Gonzalez, Jimena 0:55:19 1 287 1981 VELASCO
TERÁN Independent, Rocio Independent 1:08:39 2
BELOW 255 1976 MANZANO, Isabel Independent
1:13:09 3 253 1975 VINEYARDS VILLA, Susana Independent 1:19:18 4 260 1976 GUEMES
Barriocanal, Rachel 1:19:46 5
Surname, name Dorsal Year Mark Since
Category: Veterans A
Club Independent 230 1974 carcedo
FERNÁNDEZ, Beatriz 0:57:05 1 174 1970 Independent
GUTIERREZ DIAZ, Teresa 0:58:30 2
Page 4 of 5 Burgos, April 11 2010
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veterans B
Club Independent
RED 323 1967 MARTINEZ, Olga 1:09:43 1
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veteran C

ANTA Flags 262 Club 1963 MARTINEZ CORRAL, Montserrat 1
ANTA Banderas 1:12:16 283 1961 GONZALEZ, Esperanza 1:19:46 2
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veteran D
Flags Club 240 1958 ANTA
GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ, Elena Independent
1:14:05 1 206 1958 GONZALEZ GONZALEZ Milagros
1:14:09 2 Total athletes: 171

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sample Invitation For Upanayanam

DISC REVIEW: MGMT - Congratulations (2010)

is here the long awaited 2nd album from New Yorkers MGMT and his most peculiar cover and tell us everything. His leader Andrew Vanwyngarden and told us in advance that change of direction regarding their debut "Oracular Spectacular " (2008) and that this difference would not have big hits on the album. Nobody took them seriously, but in this case, we have been fooled.

The essence of his style remains the same, psychedelic pop very 70's with electronic touches , but in this " Congratulations " there is a lot more psychedelic in the first (for some maybe too much), there a clear shift towards surf rock (can remind us of the Beach Boys in some tracks) and less danceable . Personally I much prefer this "Congratulations " that "Oracular Spectacular " because it is much more regular and not have as many issues as loose or fill their debut album, is a compact disc and the " Oracular Spectacular "fell in 4 good songs and little else. There is no clear hit his single Flash presentation Delirium has nothing to do with the exceptional hits Kids, Time To Pretend , Electril or Feel Of Mons, Birds & Monsters and That is why many will pull them back. True is that on first listen this "Congratulations" leaves your stupid face and makes you think that MGMT are the clip has been perhaps too with this album so very weird and psychedelic, but with successive listen reveals that is extraordinary work, which does not decline at any time and you have to listen in one sitting and not as loose items is a concept album. Daring twist, I think have found the appropriate key , we'll see if the volatile and influential music market it that way, I'll bet not. Wise and courageous decision, but probably will come back around in their pockets. Chapeau! Let

issues of this "Congratulations "
1. It's Working : fantastic start to the disc, which is perhaps the most telling item of all. Great percussion and strong power of low, breathe to the 70 on all sides. Psychedelia in abundance, very surfer rock. The dance track of all and maybe the best from all over.
2. Song For Dan Treacy keyboards combined with a very psychedelic drum & bass very addictive, it seems the soundtrack to some of the 70 series set in the west coast. Song dedicated to the controversial and contentious British singer Dan Treacy , a declaration of intent.
3. Someone's Missing : vocally very reminiscent of Electric Feel "Oracular Spectacular ." The shortest track on the disc. It starts very quiet but is encouraged at the end. Wonderful.
4. Flash Delirium: the presentation of the CD single, a hit that is not a hit. Start with Moorish air, but soon come the keyboards to give a fascinating psychedelic twist. As the title says, this song is just a delusion. The end of the song is impressive, to dance wildly.
5. I Found A Whistle : bill quite similar to Someone's Missing , this ballad is a little calm to the album after Flash madness Delirium. First appear on an acoustic guitar to keyboards in the line of full length. The most beautiful theme throughout the album.
6. Siberian Breaks: some find it too much and others hardly a masterpiece, I lean toward the latter. 12 minutes of psychedelic space travel and, where 4 is built minicanciones an epic theme that the spirit of Pink Floyd is very present (especially the 2 to 5 minutes is most evident) and a final fully experimental. Again be front and center of the acoustic guitar. Just perfect, bordering on masterpiece.
7. Brian Eno : musically similar to Song For Dan Treacy but also by the fact that it is a tribute, in this case the producer and member of Roxy Music, Brian Eno . Also very psychedelic, is happy track all disk and more addictive.
8. Lady Dada's Nightmare: instrumental and experimental spooky theme with great prominence of the piano and keyboards, is the album's weakest. Inspired by Lady GaGa , and in it the name of the song is a parody.
9. Congratulations : beautiful album end of this issue rested very glam. Vocally very similar to Of Mons, Birds & Monsters of "Oracular Spectacular ."


Listen the whole album "Congratulations" in Spotify MGMT

Flash Delirium