Monday, April 12, 2010

Best Prepaid Connection In New Delhi

clasificaicon Euro Classic IX

€ uro Classic IX
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Senior Independent

Club MONTERO 185 1977 GUTIERREZ, Juan Banderas 0:54:02 1 281 1976 ANTA
NUÑEZ GARCIA, Oscar 0:54:39 \u200b\u200b2 271 1986 MARTINEZ Independent
Terradillos, 0:54:46 3
Augustine 330 AD Capiscol LAZARO 1982 SERVANT, Juan Manuel 0:55:01 4 305 1986 GALLEGO Independent
Arnaiz, Victor 0:55:04 1982 247 5
Independent BARRIUSO GONZALEZ, Hector 0:55:37 6 194 1978 Independent
RODRÍGUEZ MARTÍNEZ, Ivan 0: Independent
57:05 7 251 1987 GOMEZ LECU, Mike 0:57:58 8 152 1982 HERNANDO Independent
PEÑA, Juan Simón 0:58:38 9 151 1981 HERNANDO Independent
PEÑA, Ismael 0:58:46 10
Aliment. TWO SISTERS 145 1980 PEÑA MARTINEZ, Javier 0:58:57 11 202 1979 Independent
PEREIRA, Rodrigo 0:59:19 12 248 1982
ANTA Banderas GONZÁLEZ GIL, Rodrigo
Independent 0:59:20 13 123 1975 MINGO BOOTY, José Independent
Antonio 0:59:55 14 176 1976 ANDREW SEVILLA, José Ignacio 1:00:52 15 249 1977 SERNA Independent
PEÑA Javier
Independent 1:01:45 16 241 1980 CORRALES DIEZ, 1:02:30 17 Ivan Independent
203 1977 DOMINGO RUIZ, Oscar Javier 1:02:42 18 274 1976 Independent
OTTONE MATA, Victor 1:04:53 1980 228 19 Independent
SARDINIA LOPEZ, Diego Independent
1:04:53 20 257 1978 BENITO Revilla, José Ignacio 1:05:33 21 187 1980 AGUILAR
Independent BARRIO, Alberto
Independent 1:05:55 22 130 1983 DEL CAMPO GONZALEZ, Jaime 1:06:03 148 1976 23 Independent
ZARAIN MANERO, José Manuel 1 : 07:24 24 181 1983 YAGÜE
Independent, Independent
Gabriel 1:07:34 25 292 1986 SIERRA GARCIA, Jonathan 1:07:58 26 128 1980 SOURCE Independent
PEREZ, Héctor
Independent 1:07:59 27 295 1980 SANTAMARÍA MARCOS, Fernando 1:08:39 28 293 1976 WHEAT
Independent RUIZ, Ignacio 1:08:59 29 226 1978 Independent
Andres Gonzales, Rodrigo
Independent 1:10:13 30 124 1978 JIMENEZ ORTEGA, Juan José 1:19 : 29 Independent
204 31 1977 Andres Barrios, Rodrigo 1:19:37 32
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veterans A
Club Independent
SANTAMARÍA 197 1973 RUIZ, José María 1
0:47:38 310 Medina de Pomar RESINES 1975 HILARIO, Ventura Independent 0:49:27 2 219 1971 ESNAOLA
Garaizabal, Zigor
INCESA 0:52:39 3 327 1970 Bearberry NEBREDA Aranda, Cesar Aranda INCESA
0:52:51 4 326 1970 CALVO DIEZ, Sergio 0 : 54:28 5 1971 193 Independent
Cantalapiedra GONZALEZ, Jorge 0:54:45 6 231 1974 Independent
ESTEBAN ESTEBAN, Julio 0:55:02 7 279 1973 Independent
LASION RUIZ, Luis Javier 0:55:08 8
page May 1 Burgos, April 11, 2010 269 1970
Independiente del Olmo Isar, Ricardo 0:55:14 9 314 1972 Independiente
Castilla Lopez, Jose Antonio 0:56:35 10 311
Medina de Pomar 1973 Oteo Robles, Ignatius Independiente
11 12:57:05 1972 142 ALONSO Pedrosa, Roberto 0:57:36 12 132 1972 Independiente
Tabaré RUIZ, Francisco Javier 0:58:33 13 133 1973 Independiente
Mayor Revilla, Jesús Maria 14 12:59:28
Independiente 127 1975 MIGUEL Gallo, Fernando 1:01:07 15 301 1970
Tragaleguas Mong Gonzalez, Jose Luis 1:01:52 16 189 1971 Independiente
RODRIGUEZ ALVAREZ, Gregory 1:02:10 17 225 1974 Independiente
Badia Pardo Richard 1:02:13 18 177 1973 Independent
1:02:56 19 296 1974 The Pied SANTAMARIA MERINO, Roberto Runners 1:04:27 20 268 1973
Pig PIT PEREA, Angel Pablo 1:04:30 21 138
Independent ELENA 1971 CALVO, Raul
Independent 1:04:55 22 175 1972 RODRIGUEZ, Antonio Independent
1:05:15 23 272 1971 MIGUEL PEREZ, James 1:05:49 24 207 1972 TEN Independent
ESTEBAN, Ignacio 1:06: October 1925 126 1973 Independent
ARRIBAS ANTONIO, Mark 1:06:39 26 284 1971 Independent
VEGA HERRERA, Juan Carlos 1:06:41 27 150 1971 Independent
PRIMO MENDEZ, Jose Manuel 1:06:50 28 223 1974
Independent LOZANO MERINO, Carlos Independent
1:06:55 29 299 1973 GÓMEZ GARCÍA, Luis Miguel
Independent 1:06:56 30 238 1975 GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, Rafael 1:07:05 31 208 1974 Independent
Matarín VEGAS, Ruben 1:07:16 32
Independent OLLAURI 125 1975 VICENTE, Jose Vicente
Chancho Runners 1:07:20 33 265 1973 GARCIA NIETO, Luis Carlos 1:07:42 34 196 1973 AMIGO
Independent, Independent Angel
1:07:59 35 147 1975 VAL Reizabal Rodrigo 1:08:24 36 216 1975 MATTHEW
WIN Independent, Andrew 1:08:37 37 229 1975 Independent
GARCÍA LÓPEZ, Eloy 1:08:41 38 205 1973 Independent
GONZÁLEZ ORTEGA, Diego 1:08:48 39
Independent REVILLA 144 1972 ARROYO, Jorge 1:10:25 40 183 1971 DELGADO Independent
TORRE, Chancho
Eufrasio Runners 1:11:39 41 267 1973 GARCIA Ausin, Oscar 1:11:56 42 291 1973 GARRIDO Independent
Montoya, Raul Independent
1:12:04 43 191 1971 TOQUERO BARBER, Oscar
Chancho Runners 1:13:48 44 266 1973 MIGUEL APARICIO, Alberto
Independent 1:18:01 45 254 1971 PETER gari, 46 Roberto 1:19:18 Independent
CHURCHES 141 1971 ROMERO, Miguel Angel 1:19:46 47
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veterans B

Independent Club 212 1967 ESTEBAN PEREZ, Luis Angel Rioja 0:47:12 1
Añares 324 1969 VITOR Bañares, Conrrado Independent 0:48:11 2 136 1966
Garcia Caceres, Jose Carlos 0:50:46 3 329 1969 Independent
0:51:41 4 325 1966 CALVO DIEZ, Javier 0:52:57 5 307 1968 Tragaleguas
ELORRIAGA, Rafael 0:54:54 6 275 1967 Independent
Ubierna SIXTO, Miguel Angel 0:55:28 7 277 1967 Independent
ANDRADE PEREZ, Santiago 0:57:08 8
CAME Briviesca 289 1970 FIELD ROAD, Roberto 0:57:32 9 288 1969
CAME Briviesca GONZALEZ GONZALEZ, Félix 0:57:45 10 135 1968 Independent
Independent 0:59:30 11 221 1966 PARDO GARCÍA, José Ramon 1:00:03 12
Page 2 of 5 Burgos, April 11, 2010 259 1969 Independent
ESTEBAN GARCÍA, Juan Jose 1:00:07 13 224 1965
Tragaleguas Mediavilla García, José Alberto 1:00:20 14
MENENDEZ Tragaleguas 236 1966 GUTIERREZ, Francisco 1:02:39 15 270 1965 Capiscol
Santidrián AD ON THE FARM,
Antonio 1:03:59 16 242 1969 The Pied DÍEZ brother, Jesus 1:04:17 17 200 1966 MARTINEZ
Independent Jimeno, Luis Angel 1:05:27 18 306 1969 Independent
ALONSO ROMERO, Andrés 1:07:31 19 195 1968 QUECEDO
Independent, Independent
Antonio 1:07:38 20 1967 199 SAN ESTEBAN Requejo, Luis Felipe 1:08 : 12 21 300 1966 PEREZ
Independent PALOMO, Ricardo Independent 1:08:16 22 285 1969 SANTAMARÍA
PEÑA, Roberto
Independent 1:09:02 23 182 1966 PEREZ MERINO, Francisco Independent
1:10:46 24 243 1967 COLD WELL, Jesus Felix
Independent 1:12:04 25 190 1969 SANCHO CASINO, Oscar
Independent 1:13:48 26 173 1966 MARINA MARINA, Joseph 1:20:42 27
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veteran C
Club 258 1962 BRIDGE ANTONIO Banderas, Jesus
UBU 0:49:41 1 - Box 1960 282 WAIVE PEÑA Burgos, Ernesto
Independent 0:50:34 2 1960 211 VICAR MORENO, Jesús María Independent
0:51:36 3 201 1961 MELENDRO PAYO, Manuel 0:51:36 4 273 1963
AD Capiscol HERRERO ESTEBAN, José Manuel 0:54:02 5 246 1964 MAYORAL Independent
DIEZ, José 0:56:04 6 Independent
ALBA 237 1961 JIMENEZ, Juan José Aranda INCESA
0:56:56 7 328 1963 DE LA MORENA, José Antonio 0:58:05 8 286 1964
AGUILERA VIAMONTE Independent, Independent
Jesus 1:00:04 9 304 1962 SANTAMARÍA GIL, José Manuel 1:01:38 10 140 1961 Independent
Santidrián NAVARRO, Ricardo
Tragaleguas 1:02:19 11 232 1962 RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ, Diego 1:04:04 12 146 1965 Independent
TOME RED, Jose María 1: 5:32 13
Independent BLESSED INFANTE 290 1961 Innocent
Tragaleguas 1:05:36 14 264 1961 CANE, Mauricio 1:06:20 15 192 1964 Independent
TOME RUIZ, Luis Alberto
Independent 1:07:17 16 179 1961 MORENO GONZÁLEZ, Juan José Independent
1:08:04 17 294 1962 LOPEZ ALONSO, Pedro
Tragaleguas 1:08:20 18 233 1962 RODRIGUEZ SOTO, José Manuel 1:08:33 19 143 1960 HIGHWAY Independent
OLALLA, Antonio 1:12:25 20
Independent STEWARD 149 1961 MIGUEL, Carlos 1:14:53 21
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veteran D
Club Independent 178 1959 BARREIRO
PÉREZ, Juan José 0:53:01 1
Independent BARON AGUADO 222 1960, José Antonio Independent 0:55:25 2 180 1957
CARRANZA GOMEZ Felix Athletics Briviesca 0:55:48 3 217 1959
BORAGE DEL RIO, José Luis 0:57:31 4 303 1957 Independent
Tragaleguas 0:57:41 5 239 1956 ANDREW LOPEZ, Jesus 1:00:47 6 312 1958 Independent
PÉREZ MARTÍN, Melecio 1:01:11 7 139 1959 Cascon ABAV
VILLAR, Primitivo 1:01:54 Independent
1955 8 134 GARCIA CARMONA, José Ramón 1:02:35 9 250 1960 LEFT Independent
GONZALEZ, Javier 1:05:15 10 209 1956 Independent
ARRIBAS CABINS, Goyo 1:07:02 11
Burgos Page 3 of 5 , April 11, 2010 234 1960
Tragaleguas CARRIEDO LÓPEZ, Pablo Jose 1:08:56 12
UBU - Caja de Burgos 302 1959 SOURCE VALENCIA, Manuel 1:10:41 13 131 1956 QUINTANA Independent
NUNEZ, Candido 1:12 16 14
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veteran E
Club Independent 220 1953 SOURCES
Ferrera, James 0:52:08 137 1955 1 Independent
0:55:20 2 308 1953 REQUEJO Royuelo, Basil 0:58:18 3 235 1952 MARISCAL Tragaleguas
PÉREZ, José 0:58:33 4 309 1955 Tragaleguas
SAUCO GIMENEZ, Leandro Independent
1:00:20 5 184 1954 WHITE ELM, German 1:00 : 47 Independent
1951 6 186 WHITE ELM, Alejandro 1:02:31 7 313 1953 Independent
BUSTILLO BARBER, Andrew 1:05:35 8 129 1952 ABAV
FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA, Pedro 1:07:02 9 278 1952 Torrijos
Tragaleguas BAQUEDANO Ramiro 1:07:39 10 298 1953 Tragaleguas
GIL MORENO, Francisco
1:10:19 11 188 1954 LOPEZ BENITO Independent, Oscar 1:11:55 12 215 1954 MALDONADO
Tragaleguas MONGE, Euniano 1:14:18 13 Independent
CUMBREÑO 122 1952 RED, Juan Jose 1:17:48 14
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veterans Club
F 244 1946 SERNA VELASCO, Timothy 1:03:28 1 214 1950 Tragaleguas
MUÑOZ ARANDA, Antonio 1:06:20 2 245 1947 Tragaleguas
QUINTANA RUIZ, Carlos 1:19:45 3
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veterans Club
Tragaleguas NIPPLE 213 1942 TORRES, Manuel 1:15 : 30 1 FEMALE

Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Senior

Oviedo Athletic Club 280 1985 Martin Gonzalez, Jimena 0:55:19 1 287 1981 VELASCO
TERÁN Independent, Rocio Independent 1:08:39 2
BELOW 255 1976 MANZANO, Isabel Independent
1:13:09 3 253 1975 VINEYARDS VILLA, Susana Independent 1:19:18 4 260 1976 GUEMES
Barriocanal, Rachel 1:19:46 5
Surname, name Dorsal Year Mark Since
Category: Veterans A
Club Independent 230 1974 carcedo
FERNÁNDEZ, Beatriz 0:57:05 1 174 1970 Independent
GUTIERREZ DIAZ, Teresa 0:58:30 2
Page 4 of 5 Burgos, April 11 2010
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veterans B
Club Independent
RED 323 1967 MARTINEZ, Olga 1:09:43 1
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veteran C

ANTA Flags 262 Club 1963 MARTINEZ CORRAL, Montserrat 1
ANTA Banderas 1:12:16 283 1961 GONZALEZ, Esperanza 1:19:46 2
Surname, name brand Dorsal Year Since
Category: Veteran D
Flags Club 240 1958 ANTA
GONZÁLEZ GONZÁLEZ, Elena Independent
1:14:05 1 206 1958 GONZALEZ GONZALEZ Milagros
1:14:09 2 Total athletes: 171


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