Monday, January 24, 2011

Worst Diaper Punishment



Association of Veteran Athletes Burgalesa organized on February 6, 2011 the Cross Popular San Lesmes XXXIII starting and finishing in the Mall and walk which will commence at 10.30 h. am. 2 .-

may take part in it all those athletes who wish both men and women of any age, whether or not federal. There are two tests: 1 Benjamin, juvenile, infant, and Cadet at 10.30 am and the following distribution: Schedule: 10.30 h. benjamin male, female Benjamin 10.40, 10.50 h. Juvenile male, 11.00 h. Female juvenile, 11.15 h. Male child, 11.30 Child female, male cadets 11.45, 12.00 female Cadet. 2nd
Youth, June, Promises, Senior, Veterans and Veterans (all categories) 12.15 h. 3 .-

Registration will be from January 10, 2011 in Sports Tab Sports Manzanedo and personally. Also by E-mail to The deadline for registration is 5/2/2011, up to 14 h. not admitting any registration after that date. 4 .-

The organization will give trophies to the top three finishers in each category, it also makes few categories deems appropriate and to consider giving trophies en relación a la edad, grupo de más participantes, o bien otros premios que libremente decida. Todo atleta que llegue a meta recibirá una camiseta conmemorativa.
Art. 5.-
Los únicos vehículos que podrán estar en la carrera serán los autorizados por la organización.
Art. 6.-
La entrega de trofeos se efectuará al finalizar la prueba y se realiza un sorteo de prendas deportivas entre los participantes.
Art. 7.-
Todos los participantes estarán cubiertos por un seguro de accidente y un seguro de responsabilidad civil suscritos al efecto por la organización, excluidos los casos derivados de un padecimiento latente, imprudencia, inoservancia de las leyes, etc. También quedan excluding cases caused by displacement or / on from where the test is developed.

8 .- The organization recommends that athletes perform a medical examination. 9 .-

The route is as follows: Morning Walk Mall, C / Santander, Avenida del Cid, Plaza of Spain, Avda Reyes Católicos, Avda Cantabria, Plaza de Bilbao, Avenida de la Paz , C / San Lesmes, C / Vitoria, Plaza del Cid, Puente de San Pablo, Espoloncillo, Avenida de Valladolid, Avenida de Palencia, Malatos Bridge, Paseo de la Isla, Island Avenue and arrival at the Walk ram.
The circuit for the youngest categories, juvenile and child is as follows: Walk out the Ram, Puente de San Pablo, Espoloncillo, Puente de Santamaría and arrival at the Promenade Mall (1 circuit around the baby and juvenile categories) (2 laps of the circ uito junior class male and female) male and female cadet
: 3 turns to the next track: Morning Walk Mall, Puente de San Pablo, Paseo del Espoloncillo, Puente de Santamaría and arrival at the Promenade Mall.
10 .- Registration is free for minor categories (from youngest to cadet inclusive) and 4 euros for all other categories, such amount shall be paid into the account of Fund No. 2017/0066/67/3000604230 and Circle be delivered receipt for the withdrawal of the dorsal, or by delivery of such amount to the withdrawal of the dorsal without which nula.También registration will be free for members of the Association of Veteran Athletes Burgalesa presenting the membership card when making registration. 11 .-

Schedule of events:
10.30 h. Benjamin Male.
10.40 h. Female Benjamin
10.50 h. Male juvenile
11.00 h. Female juvenile
11.15 h. Male Child.
11.30 h. Female child
11.45 h. Cadet Male
12.00 h. Female Cadet
12.15 pm Other categories.
Note: If more Cadets had few participants output will joint the men and women at 11.45 h.
are established the following categories: Senior
born / as in 1988 and prior to veteran. Promises
born / as in 1989,1990,1991 born
Junior Cadet
1992.1993 born in 1996 and 1997
Alevin born / as in 2000 and 2001 Youth
born / as in 1994 and 1995
Children born / ace 1998 and 1999
Benjamin born in 2002 and 2003
Veterans from the day they met 35 years

12 .- Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these Regulations. To toto matters not covered by this Regulation thirst apply the rules of the IAAF Real Federación English Athletics Federation Athletics and Castilla y León.

13 .- The claim is made to the Referee to 30 minutes after the published rankings.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Soft Cervix Late Period

Top25 ALBUMS 2010 (3 PART AND LAST): From 8 to 1

Now, after a long delay, close the Top25 of the best albums of the past 2010:


undoubtedly one of the revelations of the past records 2010. And is that following a trail similar to those already mentioned above or Nothing Wild Vampire Weekend, the Baltimore duo have carved a niche I enter the lists of the best albums of the year. His indie minimalist dream pop that has some ambient also becomes truly passed through the filter of the particular female voice opaque, hard severe and French vocalist Victoria Legrand . Fascinating album and has some hypnotic also leaves us with beautiful landscapes based on dreamy and subtle body guitars. Topics such as Soul Silver , its single Norway, the happy Used To Be , the beautiful Walk In The Park or Stereo fantastic 10 Mile (one of the themes of the year), do not deserve to fall into oblivion.

The best: 10 Mile Stereo.
Highlights: Norway, Silver Soul, Used To Be, Zebra, Take Care.
Catch: Walk In The Park.
The hit: Norway.

Listen to the album Spotify

7. Tunng - ... AND THEN SAW THE LAND

One of my discoveries this year, one of those records that you keep a special affection for what topándote discovered him by chance. Moving from their horrible cover, what awaits us in is really special. His indie folktrónica ( folk electronic touches), made with extraordinary beauty, minimalism and pop delicious, it really wonderful and a wealth of nuances and instruments (banjos, xylophones, electric guitars and acoustic horn section and a wide range of percussion) noteworthy. To make matters worse the duality of velvety boy-girl vocals and big choruses adds many integers. The disc itself is not wasted and that you may be more reluctant to gender, listen, because you are going to bring a pleasant surprise. No it is not a single item negligible, and it hurts to highlight an issue over another because they are all remarkable, but we will make special mention of Do not Look Back Down Or (Best of the disc), a merry Sashimi , the beautiful With Whiskey and the spectacular, psychedelic guitar By Dusk There Were In City .

Best: Do not Look Down Or Back.
Highlights: Sashimi, With Whiskey, Hustle, October, It Breaks, Weekend Away, Santiago, The Roadside.
Catch: There Were By Dusk In The City.
The hit: Sashimi.

Listen to the album in Spotify


I've never liked nor rap nor hip hop , it renozco and consider myself an absolute layman. But view the high notes she received and the hype up this album, I prepared to experiment. And the truth is that I like much, the disk I mean, not gender or everything that this drag. Prejudice aside, great album (slashing the adjective masterpiece) has given birth to the controversial and pedantic Kanye West, with numerous collaborations in almost all the songs on abum with other rappers and other artists from the likes of Rihanna , Elton John, Alicia Keys or Bon Iver, among many others. The truth is that it is an album of rap and hip hop very accessible and mainstream , with many influences and melodic pop (a connotation not very abundant in this genre), but retains the common and hard lyrics, provocative and explicit sexual content. Leaves us with wonderful themes as long Runaway (great and beautiful melody and lyric sexual content) Gorgeous (fantastic that guitar), All Of The Lights (nice piano and string intro giving way to a commercial track sung with Rihanna), the dramatic So Appalled , or the beautiful Blame Game with a wonderful piano melody.

The best: Runaway.
Highlights: Gorgeous, All Of The Lights, So Appalled, Hell Of A Life, Devil In A New Dress, Dark Fantasy, Who Will Survive In America, Lost In The World.
Catch: Blame Game.
The hit: POWER.

Listen to the album in Spotify


the 3 rd studio album from these Swedes, one of the positive surprises of the year. Your soft and elegant dream-pop melancholy airs (but not sad) shoegaze mixed with low-intensity electronic to immerse yourself in a state of relaxation in beautiful melodies that evoke a dream world, but which to put a downside is lacking bad milk. The album leaves us with big issues like You Stopped Making Sense which closes the album with a very large demonstration of smart pop and it is surely one of the best songs of the past 2010. Among this are curious small skirmishes with the hip hop without losing its style Never Follow Suit (good subject so dub ) and David , and its spin happier in Heaven's On Fire .

The best: You Stopped Making Sense.
Highlights: The Video Dept., A Token Of Gratitude, David, Heaven's On Fire, Domestic Scene Never Follow Suit.
The hit: Heaven's On Fire.
Catch: This Time Around.

Listen to the album in Spotify


This Canadian supergroup band or more than we could say no fixed group of musicians led by Kevin Drew and Brendan Canning have gotten back to the talk of the indie scene with this magnificent album. Define your style is really hard and just have to give one listen to this album to realize that it is a fantastic mix of speed, intensities, sensibilities and styles ranging from rock, pop , folk, garage , ambient, post-rock or electronically, and all very epic and a variety of hues and remarkable instruments. Seeing all this would be easy to think that is a pastiche hard to swallow as his home but all is well as it fits almost everything perfectly. Sick World cuts like , Forced To Love, Art House Director , M eet Me In The Basement , Water In Hell have wasted makings of an anthem and epic grandeur, and other topics quieter as All To All (duality exquisite female vocal), Sweetest Kill , intimate is that X's and especially the fantastic Romance To The Grave (Best Album) rubbing excellence.

The best: Romance To The Grave.
Highlights: Sweetest Kill, Forced To Love, Sick World, Sentimental X's, Water In Hell, Me And My Hand, Texico Bitches, Chase Scene.
Catch: All To All.
The hit: Texico Bitches.

Listen to the album in Spotify


As already I spoke to at the time of this album on the blog, The National consolidate definitively with his 5th album of the indie bands more influential, if not in the most . Remain faithful to their post-punk style formal, adult, melancholy and dark, which is given in this "High Violet " a more epic turn on some issues to more light. Perhaps as a whole did not reach the lofty heights of his previous album " Boxer" (2007), but "Violet High" contains songs even better as the strong but heartbreaking Terrible Love (lo-fi in its studio version), the bright almost twins Everyone Afraid Of (Best of the disc and almost the best of their discography if we ignore the great Lucky You) and Ohio Bloodbuzz , and epic / almost solemn sisters and England Runaway (fantastic horn section in both) and the most beautiful pop Conversation 16. Pity that some topic weakens, but bordering on masterpiece.

The best: Afraid Of Everyone.
Highlights: Terrible Love, Bloodbuzz Ohio, England, Conversation 16, Sorrow, Little Faith.
Catch: Runaway.
The hit: -

Listen to the album in Spotify

2. Jonsi - GO

solo debut (if inadvertently forget their adventure under the pseudonym Frakkur ) of this strange genius named Jónsi Icelandic, known as the leader of the no less strange band Icelandic post-rock Sigur Rós , did not disappoint the expectations it has done nothing to corroborate the immense talent and sensitivity that treasures. Leave aside his invented language " hopelandic " to sing integrate these into English but do not forget the indescribable soundscapes as Sigur Rós visited on issues such as Tornado (sensible wonder sidereal), Kolniður , Till Grow Tall or Hengilás , but it also highlights a shift much more pop, bright to address as in the fantastic singles Go Boy Do and Lilikoi , or funny Animal Arithmetic, Sinking and Friendships Around Us . Outstanding Frankly, I wish the new Sigur Rós follow these paths. And for those who this album made them short, Jónsi also has given us his live album "Go Live" (2010) in vivo is reflected in the 9 songs of this album plus 5 new solo tracks that grate at high altitude and among them Stars In Still Water, Saint Naive , New Piano Song and Sticks and Stones .

The best: Kolniður.
Highlights: Go Do, Till Grow Tall, Boy Lilikoi, Around Us, Animal Arithmetic, Sinking Friendships.
Catch: Tornado.
The hit: Do Go.

Listen to the album in Spotify

1. ARCADE FIRE - The Suburbs

I qualify as a masterpiece and modern classic, and I was so wide. The Arcade Fire canadineses have achieved with his 3 rd album jump to stardom and earned a Grammy as the best album of 2010. And they have managed without losing their indie folk-rock and its signs of identity, an album much more accessible, less ornate and baroque than the previous two " Funeral" (2004) and "Neon Bible " (2007). We are facing a long concept album (1 hour and 5 minutes and 16 tracks) in which everything makes sense as a whole and not in parts shelled. Interesting developments marked by an approach to electronics and greater use of synthesizers, very much on issues like Half Light II (No Celebration) , We Used To Wait or Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains) . While this " The Suburbs " has no hymns conteporáneos up to Wake Up , Tunnels, Power Out , Rebellion (Lies) , Keep The Car Running , or Intervention No Cars Go , but its power as a whole is remarkable. Yes very careful with topics as undervaluing The Suburbs , Ready To Start , Modern Man , City With No Children, Suburban War or We Used To Wait , because it would be a grave error.

The best: Ready To Start.
Highlights: We Used To Wait, The Suburbs, Modern Man, Half Light I, City With No Children, Rococo, Half Light II (No Celebration), Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains), Wasted Hours.
Catch: Suburban War.
The hit: Ready To Start.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Baner Swietlny Reklamowy

Top25 ALBUMS 2010 (2 PART): From 16 to 9


Not long ago I told you about the new album by Kings Of Leon in this blog. In short, having become a big band, Kings Of Leon with this "Come Around Sundown " have relaxed their style from previous work, finding a more mature album and worked with fewer hits than the previous "Only By The Night "(2008) but overall I think a lot better as a whole. Are gradually abandoning its original style and garage grunge (some remnant of it remains in Radioactive or No Money ) for a pop / rock with southern winds and soul with specific approaches to dream pop (in The Inmortals ), the post-punk (in The Face ), the country and folk (in Back Down South ) or surf rock (in Beach Side ). But undoubtedly the most remarkable of the album are his most calm and emotional that are beginning to be house brand Kings Of Leon, such as The End , The Face , Pyro and Pickup Truck.

Best: Pyro .
Highlights: The Face, Radioactive, The Inmortals, Mary, Back Down South, Beach Side Birthday.
Catch: Pickup Truck.
The hit: Radioactive .

Listen to the album in Spotify


For flights from Easter to you also talk about the album on the blog. Bold twist that gave New Yorkers MGMT in this their 2nd album, after she shot to fame with his debut album " Oracular Spectacular " (2008), full of hits that were seen around the world as Kids , Time To Pretend, Electric Feel or Of Moons, Birds and Monsters . Congratulations This keeps your style very 70's psychedelic pop, but there is more piscodelia (with impressive as Siberian Breaks episodes), a shift towards surf rock, a style less dancing, less commercial and with no clear hit only exception Flash Delirium. As a whole, "Congratulations " no lapses at any time, is much more complete and interesting than "Oracular Spectacular " but its willful misconduct of hits (their leader Andrew Vanwyngarden already warned that the aim of the album was that) no has given her best critic.

Best: Siberian Breaks.
Highlights: It's Working , Flash Delirium, I Found A Whistle, Brian Eno, Song For Dan Treacy, Someone's Missing.
Catch: Congratulations.
The hit: Flash Delirium.

Listen to the album in Spotify


His debut album "Antidotes " (2008) and you also have outlined in this blog, we caught and made us dance with their frenetic pace of new rave (fusion danceable indie rock punk with ) and funk mixed with math-rock . But the change of pace that has made this " Total Live Forever "has been spectacular, as they have reinvented their style almost entirely without losing its sound track.'ll Find a less danceable disc, much slower, mature and thoughtful, where math-rock almost completely disappears and a touch funk is much lighter, and when the ambient (almost chill-out) comes with a lot of strength, but without losing its distinctive guitar riffs (with oriental air) and some tribal percussion at times . Temazos as English Sahara and Black Gold (with 'crescendo' wonderful), After Glow (with a grand finale dance with returning to their origins) Alabaster , 2 Trees (with a certain air of Radiohead ) and What Remain s are proof that evolution has been simply extraordinary.

The best: English Sahara.
Highlights: Black Gold, 2 Trees, After Glow, This Orient, Alabaster, Blue Blood, Total Live Forever.
Catch: What Remains .
The hit: This Orient.

(Sorry, but this album is not available in Spotify)


Band Of Horses, one of the most highly regarded American indie bands, return with this their 3rd job. " Infinite Arms" is a good album, but it is a step below their previous two: "Everything All The Time " (2006), "Cease To Begin " (2007). Remain faithful to his luminous style alt-rock alternative but maybe a little less impressive (except Compliments, and Laredo NW Apt ), but more symphonic and sweetened normal, and parking a little its clearly influenced folk. The band Seattle (merit that there emerged a band pass totally grunge ) is quality assurance and although this is not his best album gives us great topics Factory, the fantastic Compliments (Best of the disc and a of the themes of the year), Laredo , the delicious On My Way Back Home and Infinite Arms, and the resounding NW Apt

The best: Compliments.
Highlights: Factory, Laredo, On My Way Back Home, Blue Beard, Dilly, Older.
Catch: Infinite Arms.
The hit: Compliments.

Listen to the album in Spotify


Spoon Texans signed their 7th studio album and it seems that after a long distance race beginning to have a much deserved recognition. This is a complex album, those that do not come easily to the first but that just listen successive tasting its enormous potential. Continuing with its elaborate and obscure indie rock air rogue pop-influenced folk and , dense and complex and nuanced instrumental compositions. The rough voice of its leader Daniel Brett gives them a characteristic touch and some scoundrel, it appears that on average have not since torn between her bawling in some songs with falsetto (as in the fantastic Written In Reverse). Only by such wonders as I Saw The Light (the final stretch very far instrumental Wilco is sublime), Written In Reverse (also instrumentally and extraordinary vocal), The Lights Go Out (with a distorted guitar and a bass line spectacular, the best album) or Got Nuffin , this album deserves to be qualified and sensational.

The best: Out Go The Lights.
Highlights: Written In Reverse, Got Nuffin, The Mystery Zone, Who Makes Your Money, Goodnight Laura.
Catch: I Saw The Lights.
The hit: Is Love Forever?

Listen to the album in Spotify

11. Yann Tiersen - DUST LANE

French composer Yann Tiersen , known worldwide for the soundtrack of Amélie (a pity that the only reason), is back with an interesting facet entirely in English. We are facing a post-rock album long compositions (only 1 track low of 5 minutes long), fairly dark, full of nuances and instruments that do not cornered the folk (fiddle and accordion are present in giving many songs a bit on the pro-French as early Dust Lane and Dark Stuff , and Chapter 19 and Ashes ) and distorted guitar noise gives a major epic load. The noisy and epic Palestine, the gorgeous, symphonic Till The End and beautiful pop song Fuck Me which closes the album, are without doubt among the best songs of the past 2010.

The best: Fuck Me.
Highlights: Palestine, Dust Lane, Amy, Dark Stuff, Ashes.
Catch: Till The End.
The hit: -

Listen to the album in Spotify

10. Deerhunter - HALCYON DIGEST

are Deerhunter present in all lists of the best albums of the year and on merit. And the band of Atlanta been achieved with this their 5th studio album to make a name even more in the picture indie , and its strange but hypnotic mix post-punk , ambient , dream pop, shoegaze and some surf rock with air 70's has managed to captivate the audience. I personally consider it a very good album, but I think that has mystified and overrated too, since the disc itself is somewhat irregular and its composition and order of topics would be better. It alternate tracks cheerful ( Do not Cry , Revival, Memory Boy, Fountain Stars , Coronado ) with other dark, almost mournful and hypnotic ( Earthquake , Sailing , Basement Scene , He Would Have Laughed ) without too much sense. And in between, well made items such as poppy and bright Memory B oy , the gorgeous, dreamy Desire Lines (Best of the disc and one of the best songs of the year), and the captivating and very elegant Helicopter ambient wonder. Notable, but not outstanding.

La mejor: Desire Lines.
A destacar: Memory Boy, Fountain Stars, Coronado, Revival, He Would Have Laughed, Sailing.
La joya: Helicopter.
El hit: Memory Boy.

Escucha el disco en Spotify


are the band's indie fashion scene mail U.S. and worldwide. The New York band of James Murphy (qualified and as a great guru of this world) has achieved stardom in just 3 discs. Its called dance-punk me or I more inclined to funk mail, combines equal parts rhythm, rave, dance, but also elegance. This is undoubtedly the electronic album of the year. Do not leave us big issues raised to the level of almost anthems like All My Friends or lesser extent or Someone Great Us V Them, of his last album "Sound Of Silver " (2007), but all disc maintains a high level that does not decay in any time and global level is far superior than its predecessor. Clean Yrself Dance, the delirious Drunk Girls, One Touch , All I Want (has an air of great success All My Friends), I Can Change , You Wanted To Hit Pow Pow or can make any dance floor upside down, word.

Best: Dance Yrself Clean.
Highlights: One Touch, Drunk Girls, I Can Change, You Wanted To Hit, Pow Pow.
Catch: All I Want.
The hit: Drunk Girls .

Listen to the album in Spotify

Sunday, January 2, 2011

How Long Can The Labia Be

Top25 ALBUMS 2010 (1 ª PART): From 25 to 17


A full-scale Mars, but Mars is interesting that for some can reach the point of genius. And the stranger project peculiar Californian composer Ariel Pink has caused a furor within the indie world. How do you define it? Then we would say remember seventies pop rock with surfer gone through a filter dream, with tons of psychedelia and a point to freak and glam flooding out. But not everything is a new creation, the album contains several songs and reworked past improved.
Blondies Butt-House, Bright Lit Blue Skies , a tribute to Joy Division is Revolution's A Lie , Round and Round and above Can not Hear My Eyes deserve to be among the best Songs of 2010, no doubt.

The best: Can not Hear My Eyes.
Highlights: Blondies Butt-House, Round and Round, Bright Lit Blue Skies, L'Estate (Acc. To The Widow's Maid), Fright Night (Nevermore), Little Wig, Hot Body Rub.
Catch: Revolution's A Lie.
The hit: Blondies Butt-House.

Listen to the album in Spotify


return Spectacular The War On Drugs with this EP, after his excellent debut " Wagonwheel Blues." The band from New Jersey boasts an enormous potential to become very large, but their little businesses will not become mainstream.
Your blues-rock mixed with folk and ambient, with some influences Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen or Mark Knopfler quite pronounced, is downright delicious. Here is a fan which makes this EP is too short and are rubbing their hands ahead of their next album, hopefully not take too long.

Best: Baby Missiles.
Highlights: Comin 'Through, A Pile Of Tires, Missiles Reprise.
Catch: Brothers.
The hit: -

Listen to the album in Spotify


case similar to The War On Drugs , Californians Girls EP released it after his great debut album, " Album" (2009). Return with their sixties and seventies pop with surf air, fresh but mature, nuanced, excellent and exquisite preparation. This 6-song EP is a gift that the band wants to give to their fans after the great reception that took their debut album. And quite frankly is a very good gift, because nothing remains behind. wonderful themes as Broken Dreams Club , Alright (excellent that set of winds) or Carolina are proof of that. Excellent future holds.

The best: Alright.
Highlights: Broken Dreams Club, Thee Oh So
Protective One Catch: Carolina.
The hit: Heartbreaker.

Listen to the album in Spotify

22. Titus Andronicus - THE MONITOR

Here is another Mars. The rare (to put it in some way) Titus Andronicus have produced this great and unique vision of the American Civil War that we are told in long tracks between good guitarrazos and piercing scream. Because that is Titus Andronicus, a band of punk and folk (of Celtic airs), tavern songs of pure style hooligan. But not all screams and noise (blessed clutter), there is also room for some relajadito track as fantastic Wich Piss In A Pot (telita with the name of the track) and Four Score and Seven , or ballads To All Friends and New They showed that more than one record.

The best: The Battle Of Hampton Roads.
Highlights: Richard II, Four Score and Seven, Theme From "Cheers" A More Perfect Union, To All Friends and New, ... And Ever.
Catch: Wich Piss In A Pot.
The hit: Richard II.

Listen to the album in Spotify


disc are taken from the manga these Australians, a tribute to the best psychedelic rock, frankly delicious. Impeccably produced, full of textures and nuances, listening to a psychedelic trip is all of 60 and 70, the golden years of the genre. As if that were not enough, the air surf rock of one of their songs has just finish. If you are nostalgic for this genre, what are you waiting to hear? To the suspicious, I say, is not merely a revival , much more.

The best: It's Not Meant To Be.
Highlights: Jeremy's Storm, Desire Be Desire Go, Lucidity, Why Will not You Make Up Your Mind? "Runway Houses, City, Clouds."
Catch: Alter Ego.
The hit: Lucidity.

Listen to the album in Spotify


One of the surprises and confirmations as a band of the past 2010. His 2 nd album on the market "Disconnect From Desire " has given a turn to move to more electronic electropop without losing his touch or ambient dream pop and shoegaze up on a subject. But what makes this the 2 nd album is that it is much more accessible and commercial than the first, but beware that in this case does not involve any negative connotation, but quite the opposite. A nice and pleasant experience of hearing this record leaves us with beautiful landscapes, enlivened with the good and gentle vocal combination of Deheza sisters. In short, we face a series of big issues that no limp, and an outstanding finish to the wonder that is The Wait .

The best: The Wait.
Highlights: Windstorm, Heart Is Strange, ILU, Babelonia, Joviann, Camarilla, Dust Devil.
Catch: Bye Bye Bye.
The hit: Heart Is Strange.

Listen to the album in Spotify

19. Nothing WILD - GEMINI

This is another high-profile debuts of the year and has gained wide acceptance within the indie scene , although excessive gafapastismo can shoot more than one (understandably) back . The style of these Americans Virginia falls midway between the dream pop and post-punk , with a characteristic touch ambient but also cheerful and optimistic touching point flowerpower (very 70's) for moments. They seem also to one of the revelations of the year, Beach House , who find much higher on this list.
The beginning of the disc is almost perfect with Live In Dreams, Summer Holiday (Best, one of the themes of the year), Lilac O, Bored Games and Drifter, but gradually disc fades but leaves us with thoughtful details like fresh movidito Composition Our Back to close with good and dark Gemini.

The best: Summer Holiday.
Highlights: Bored Games, Live In Dreams, Our Composition Back, Drifter, or Lilac.
Catch: Gemini.
The hit: Summer Holiday.

Listen to the album in Spotify


British band electronics (with a touch of pop quite pronounced) Hot Chip has definitively consecrated as a group with this " One Life Stand ", their 4th album study. Sponsored at the time by the current scene almost messiah, James Murphy of LCD Soundsystem have grown by leaps and bounds but in their own right and because they harbor a great talent.
On this album you will find cheerful melodies and great elegance, where pop and electronica are mixed almost perfectly, even with feeling soul. To make matters worse the excellent, smooth and unmistakable voice of its leader Alexis Taylor gives a personal touch, non-transferable. One of the positive surprises of the year, no doubt.

The best: Hand Me Down Your Love.
Highlights: Thieves In The Night, I Feel Better, One Life Stand, We Have Love, Take It In.
Catch: Alley Cats.
The hit: I Feel Better.

Listen to the album in Spotify

The gafapastismo has fallen for the 2nd album of this band from New Jersey . Yes, it's good, very good, very interesting, but not a panacea and acknowledge that all that paraphernalia that surrounds modernilla unsettles me a bit and has not been located for this album so high on the list and perhaps deserves.
Prejudice apart, their joy and freshness pop melodies that invite you to move very quietly the skeleton, its fantastic chorus, its originality, its minimalism, its funny keyboards and simple but very good electronic arrangements make this album something almost unique, and yes, almost excellent. For all its Caribbean flair but especially reggae in most of the songs gives it a unique touch. Top with my dear Local Natives of the new genre called Afroindie , nice battle awaits us in future years for the throne.

The best: Holiday.
Highlights: White Sky, Horchata, California Inglés, Giving Up The Gun, Cousins, Taxi Cab, Run.
Jewel: I Think Ur Contra.
The hit: Holiday.

Listen to the album in Spotify