Monday, January 24, 2011

Worst Diaper Punishment



Association of Veteran Athletes Burgalesa organized on February 6, 2011 the Cross Popular San Lesmes XXXIII starting and finishing in the Mall and walk which will commence at 10.30 h. am. 2 .-

may take part in it all those athletes who wish both men and women of any age, whether or not federal. There are two tests: 1 Benjamin, juvenile, infant, and Cadet at 10.30 am and the following distribution: Schedule: 10.30 h. benjamin male, female Benjamin 10.40, 10.50 h. Juvenile male, 11.00 h. Female juvenile, 11.15 h. Male child, 11.30 Child female, male cadets 11.45, 12.00 female Cadet. 2nd
Youth, June, Promises, Senior, Veterans and Veterans (all categories) 12.15 h. 3 .-

Registration will be from January 10, 2011 in Sports Tab Sports Manzanedo and personally. Also by E-mail to The deadline for registration is 5/2/2011, up to 14 h. not admitting any registration after that date. 4 .-

The organization will give trophies to the top three finishers in each category, it also makes few categories deems appropriate and to consider giving trophies en relación a la edad, grupo de más participantes, o bien otros premios que libremente decida. Todo atleta que llegue a meta recibirá una camiseta conmemorativa.
Art. 5.-
Los únicos vehículos que podrán estar en la carrera serán los autorizados por la organización.
Art. 6.-
La entrega de trofeos se efectuará al finalizar la prueba y se realiza un sorteo de prendas deportivas entre los participantes.
Art. 7.-
Todos los participantes estarán cubiertos por un seguro de accidente y un seguro de responsabilidad civil suscritos al efecto por la organización, excluidos los casos derivados de un padecimiento latente, imprudencia, inoservancia de las leyes, etc. También quedan excluding cases caused by displacement or / on from where the test is developed.

8 .- The organization recommends that athletes perform a medical examination. 9 .-

The route is as follows: Morning Walk Mall, C / Santander, Avenida del Cid, Plaza of Spain, Avda Reyes Católicos, Avda Cantabria, Plaza de Bilbao, Avenida de la Paz , C / San Lesmes, C / Vitoria, Plaza del Cid, Puente de San Pablo, Espoloncillo, Avenida de Valladolid, Avenida de Palencia, Malatos Bridge, Paseo de la Isla, Island Avenue and arrival at the Walk ram.
The circuit for the youngest categories, juvenile and child is as follows: Walk out the Ram, Puente de San Pablo, Espoloncillo, Puente de Santamaría and arrival at the Promenade Mall (1 circuit around the baby and juvenile categories) (2 laps of the circ uito junior class male and female) male and female cadet
: 3 turns to the next track: Morning Walk Mall, Puente de San Pablo, Paseo del Espoloncillo, Puente de Santamaría and arrival at the Promenade Mall.
10 .- Registration is free for minor categories (from youngest to cadet inclusive) and 4 euros for all other categories, such amount shall be paid into the account of Fund No. 2017/0066/67/3000604230 and Circle be delivered receipt for the withdrawal of the dorsal, or by delivery of such amount to the withdrawal of the dorsal without which nula.También registration will be free for members of the Association of Veteran Athletes Burgalesa presenting the membership card when making registration. 11 .-

Schedule of events:
10.30 h. Benjamin Male.
10.40 h. Female Benjamin
10.50 h. Male juvenile
11.00 h. Female juvenile
11.15 h. Male Child.
11.30 h. Female child
11.45 h. Cadet Male
12.00 h. Female Cadet
12.15 pm Other categories.
Note: If more Cadets had few participants output will joint the men and women at 11.45 h.
are established the following categories: Senior
born / as in 1988 and prior to veteran. Promises
born / as in 1989,1990,1991 born
Junior Cadet
1992.1993 born in 1996 and 1997
Alevin born / as in 2000 and 2001 Youth
born / as in 1994 and 1995
Children born / ace 1998 and 1999
Benjamin born in 2002 and 2003
Veterans from the day they met 35 years

12 .- Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these Regulations. To toto matters not covered by this Regulation thirst apply the rules of the IAAF Real Federación English Athletics Federation Athletics and Castilla y León.

13 .- The claim is made to the Referee to 30 minutes after the published rankings.


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