Thursday, April 28, 2011

Large Green Lumps Of Mucous

Today I woke up at my normal time, after a night of as normal. I've made my coffee, not too cold or too hot, normal, with my two cookies, the usual. I've put

normal running clothes, item 8 is not too much or too little has been normal. On the street

the temperature was normal for this time of year ...

I started warming normal pace, direction Montacada, the wind blowing against it, as is normal at this time.

to turn around, everything's normal, normal rhythms and beats.

In turn, the normal, a little better rhythm at a normal speed.

9.19 miles, the normal distance at 5:13, a normal rate for a 151bpm average heart rate, normal at this time.

In short, a normal training.

But I have learned to glory.


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