Monday, May 24, 2010

How To Make Toy Motar Boat


REGULATION Section 1 - De According to the Royal English Athletics Federation Athletics Castilla y León and Delegation Burgalesa Athletics Association of Veteran Athletes Burgalesa organized XV Burgos City Half Marathon "

2 .- the test will take place on June 20, 2010, ushering in the 10.horas am on the distance of 21,097 km Departure and arrival will be held at Municipal tracks and runs Santamaría Purification by the circuit of the bridges.

3 .- The event is open to all categories from the Junior category, both male and female.

4 .- The organization presented trophies to the top three finishers in each category.

Prizes can not be cumulative. 5 .-

Registrations must be made on the forms provided for that purpose by the organization to be sent to the headquarters of the Association of Veteran Athletes Burgalesa, C / San Juan 22, 2 º. Entries may be sent by E-mail to the following address: can be made until 19 June. The entry fee is 10 euros, which is credited to the account 20170066673000604230 Box Circle or to pick up the race and chip

6 .- During the course of the competition there will be aid stations at miles 5, 10.15, and Target.

Article 7 The only vehicles that can estar en la carrera serán los autorizados por la organización.

Art. 8.- Los gastos de desplazamiento y estancias serán a cuenta de los participantes.

Art. 9.- El control de llegada se efectuara mediante cronometraje eléctrico con chip y se cerrará a las dos horas y treinta minutos de darse la salida

Art. 10 La entrega de trofeos y premios se efectuará al finalizar la prueba.

Art. 11.- El desarrollo de la prueba estará controlada técnicamente por miembros del Colegio de Jueces de la Delegación Burgalesa de Atletismo.

Art. 12.- Todos los participantes estarán amparados por una póliza de seguro de accidentes y otra de responsabilidad civil, excluidos cases arising from a latent condition, recklessness, inoservancia laws, etc.
also excluded cases caused by displacement or / on from where the test is developed ..

13 .- The organization recommends that athletes perform a medical examination.

14 .- The following are categories: Senior

.- births / das in 1987 and earlier promises

.- Born in 1988.1989 and 1990 as

Junior .- births / as in 1991 and 1992 Men From

Veterans age 35 and 5 in 5 years.

Veterans-Women: From age 35 and 5 in 5 years.

15 .- All runners who finish receive a commemorative T-shirt test and those gifts and gifts that the organization determine.

16 .- Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these Regulations. For anything not covered by this Regulation shall apply the rules of the IAAF, Royal English Athletics Federation and Athletics Federation of Castile and Leon.

Article 17 The claims were made to the Referee, up to 30 minutes after the published rankings.


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