Tuesday, June 1, 2010

What Date Of The Month Is The Premium Bonds Draw

Chronicle Of Lesbian Love concert with ONCA in the Auditori de Sant Cugat 21/05/2010

Date: Friday, May 21, 2010. Place: Auditori de Sant Cugat (Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona). Attendance: 800 people (sold-out). Admission: 19 euros.

recently said Santi Balmes (the lead singer of Love Of Lesbian) who were afraid of repeating on stage and become bored of doing the same thing, and hence was born the experiment that took shape in the Auditori Sant Cugat , playing his songs to the accompaniment of the ONCA (Clàssica d'Andorra National Orchestra) and give a focus different. This is nothing new to pop and rock bands play their songs with classical orchestras, but it is something interesting and surprising, although more than one also sees it as a delusion of grandeur, and not blame him. Personally I think it all was the party that closed a cycle ending with Love Of Lesbian having completed an excellent stage as a group with 3 discs in Castilian and have been fully consolidated.

The overall result was correct, almost excellent in some songs but the thing other weakens a bit, but after all understandable. Love Of Lesbian started cold and hesitant, the initial severity (Santi Balmes soon begin to rave) and the breathtaking scenery they narrowed, looking to play at half speed for fear (mutual by both parties) to eat the solemn sound of the ONCA. The public also does not help much starting to clap before they completed the items, eating some instrumental sections by the ONCA, although it is safe to say that attendance at the end of the concert was quite restrained.

closed With a setlist beforehand and it was already printed in the official program that was given to come in, looked like it would be all very graph and there is no room for surprises, but luckily it did not. The evening began with an emotional calm down and A day in the park that missed precious levels it reached at the Palau de la Música , to encourage a letter to all your disasters that did give the size and improved with orchestra, snow Fire (without orchestra) sounded too restrained by what is the song and the always beautiful Sunday Astromancer also lacked a point of emotion that itself was presumably to the accompaniment of the orchestra, in part by some rather questionable violin arrangements. But since then it seems that everything started to take off with the fantastic Where we used to shout (also not accompanied by the orchestra) in which public and went fully into the concert accompanied with clapping and coreándola.

Then began the largest portion of the concert with Clown Houston, we have a poem , which also lacked pace and something else (because they see them touching with their space suits and pretty cool thing), but The children of tomorrow rave thing and completely with Santi Balmes conducting the orchestra with a light sword " Jedai " in the funniest moment of the night to complement the already funny and politically incorrect lyrics of the song. The cabaret neighboring Arctic Marlene was fun but unfortunately also fell in half measures.

To finish the concert before the encore the stretch most emotional, most beautiful and best played at night. Second assault (without accompanying ONCA) was wonderful and proved to be a great song if it had been composed by any group to say that Anglo would have impact. The grand prize of the night was hearing the parable of the foolish finally live in perfect backdrop for his epic final with violins ONCA was perfect in justice to another great song amazing. Without lowering the piston also the beautiful ' 1999 ' improved with accompaniment of the orchestra as the great 2009, I will break the windows to your beautiful melody magnified the contribution of ONCA. Without doubt the best concert.

When it seemed that the penalty would be short encores and the 2 tracks announced at the program, scored a first round of encore with 3 tracks that were not provided and without the participation of ONCA. The big surprise was a beautiful version of the mostly unpublished Limousines only the piano and Daniel Ferrer choirs Julian Saldarriaga, frankly fantastic and very emotional. The beautiful family issues and to close followed Elevator Music made the entire audience loses respect for the breathtaking scenery and put on foot to dance and chant.

And by the end and there was no one to sit down. The last batch of encores could not start another song that was not the hymn Fan Club John Boy an absolute feast that even most of the audience left their seats for standing in front of the stage like a concert they were normal. By popular demand they had to interpret the iron you much fun (Story of a pea lover) , but which was also without its usual guise lost some of its grace. To end God for God is four continued and finished with a public holiday too crazy.

After a lengthy ovation and lots of family children of the band on stage, the happy faces were evident, but all with an aftertaste to cycle, after this summer we will complete all its scheduled performances go where shots, the feeling that things will pull the other way are apparent ... per eye as the saying goes, appearances can be deceiving. We'll see.


1. A day in the park
2. Letter to all your disasters
3. Snow Fire
4. Sunday Astromancer
5. Where we used to shout
6. Houston, we have a poem
7. The children of tomorrow
8. Marlene, the neighboring Arctic
9. Second assault
10. The parable of the foolish
11. 1999
12. 2009, I will break the windows
------------- encore 1:
13. Limousines
family matters 15. ----------------------------------------------
elevator music
--------- encore 2:
16. Fan Club for John Boy
17. I hurt you much (History of pea lover)
18. God for God is four


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