Friday, September 17, 2010

I Mastrubate With My Sister


Article 1 According to the Royal English Athletics Federation Athletics Castilla y León and Delegation Burgalesa Athletics Association of Veteran Athletes Burgalesa organized XV Burgos City Half Marathon. 2 .-

the test will take place on October 24, 2010, beginning at 10 am on the distance of 21,097 km Departure and arrival will be held at the Museum of Human Evolution y transcurrirá por el circuito de los puentes.

Art. 3 La prueba está abierta a todas las categorías a partir de la categoría Junior, tanto masculina como femenina.

Art. 4.- La organización entregará trofeos a los tres primeros clasificados de cada categoría.
Los premios no serán acumulables.

Art. 5 .- Las inscripciones deberán realizarse en los impresos facilitados al efecto por la organización que se enviarán a la Sede de la Asociación Burgalesa de Atletas Veteranos , C/ San Juan 22, 2º. Las inscripciones podrán enviarse por e-mail a la siguiente dirección: pudienco realizarse hasta el día 23 de Octubre. El importe de la Registration is $ 10, which is credited to the account 20170066673000604230 Box Circle or to pick up the race and chip.

6 .- During the course of the competition there will be aid stations at km. 5,10,15 and Meta.

Article 7 The only vehicles that can be in the race are those authorized by the organization.

8 .- Travel expenses and accommodation will be paid by participants. Article 9

arrival control effected by electrical timing chip and closed two hours and thirty minutes of shaking out.

10 .- The trophies and prizes made to end the test.

11 .- The development of the test is technically controlled by members of the College of Judges of the Delegation Burgalesa Athletics.

Article 12 All participants will be covered by an insurance policy against accidents and other liability, excluding cases resulting from a latent condition, recklessness, inoservancia laws, etc.
also excluded cases caused by displacement or / on from where the test is developed.

13 .- The organization recommends that athletes perform reconocimeinto doctor.

14 .- The following categories are established:
.- births / as in 1987 and earlier. Promises
.- births / as in 1988.1989 and 1990
Junior .- Born / as in 1991 and 1992 Male Veterans
after the age of 35 years and 5 in 5 years. Women Veterans
after the age of 35 years and 5 in 5 years. 15 .-

all runners who finish receive a commemorative T-shirt test and those gifts and gifts that the organization determine.

16 .- Participation in the competition implies acceptance of these Regulations. For anything not covered by this Regulation shall apply the rules of the IAFF, Royal English Athletics Federation and Athletics Federation Castilla and Leon.

Article 17 The claims were made the Referee, up to 30 minutes after the published rankings.







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