Wednesday, September 22, 2010

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U2 concert in Paris 18/09/2010 Bruce Springsteen

Date: Saturday, September 18, 2010. Venue: Stade de France (Saint-Denis, Paris, France). Attendance: 92,000 spectators (sold-out). Admission: 94 euros. Media

disappointment. That's the idea with which I left the Stade de France on Saturday. Having seen and 4 concerts this u2 360 º Tour last year 2009 and especially after having lived 2 huge concerts at London's Wembley Stadium 1 year ago, what we saw on Saturday in Paris was a considerable downturn. Not that it was a disastrous concert and the French public (despite his usual coldness sat throughout the concert) in general emerged happy, but the low blood level was evident and there were several things that I liked.

A controversial part of a setlist with songs that nobody knows what they paint, and others that have to be on duty but ask for a break from shouting, saw a disconcerting Bono, bent on destroying several songs singing slower usual, reciting over many of the lyrics, more concerned with hitting their squeals and gestures of complicity with the other members of the band (say, was stump too Adam Clayton and The Edge ) to sing. In addition, some of the songs were played in a lower tempo than usual (for Mysterious Ways was bleeding). The Edge was not particularly brilliant package making mistakes, as at the end of Beautiful Day, Mysterious Ways , Until The End Of The World and One . It seems that when the band put the thing on automatic pilot falls enough (by more than half the songs) but when you put the batteries (as in the case of the new North Star , Mercy , Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kill Me, Kiss Me or Moment Of Surrender ) win many whole thing, what rubs embroider and excellence, but the complacent feeling is becoming very worrying. The sound was also improved (although very strong and powerful as usual), the guitar sounded too much and ate almost entirely to low, although it caused the rock songs gain in forcefulness. Finally a shame because in this 360 ° Tour U2 seems that things were going to better than in tours Elevation Tour Vertigo Tour and , without going any further.

Let's review the setlist songs (videos taken from the web U2gigs )

0. The Return Of The Stringray Guitar (intro): new intro they've created for this leg of the tour, which based on a funny taped above the band plays while Bono is saying the name of the city while there is a mass bathroom to feed his ego messianic rock star. I liked it better than expected, forceful and fun.
1. Beautiful Day: another controversial decision on this stretch of Gira, who for the 1st time to open the concert with a theme other than the new album. The new modern classic U2 looked just as good as always and the crowd went wild. Sorry for a mistake by The Edge at the end of the song and that caused Bono did not make any snippet, solvents with a comic "The Edge is beautiful."
2. I Will Follow: spectacular version. It was a great decision on being recalled in recent concerts. This classic punk anthem of the birth of U2 sounded very convincing and rocked around the Stade de France, showing that to put a stadium on its head does not need to resort to mediocre issues such as Elevation.

3. Get Your Boots On: very lie still, sounded a lot weaker than last year and that half a song Bono reciting pass did not help much.
4. Magnificent: pity that this excellent track and could not be live on an error in his approach to live when choosing a tempo too low, even lower than last year. Yet the audience chanted en masse, much faster than Bono certainly determined to enter that followed later. Nevertheless, I love this song.
5. Mysterious Ways: disastrous, a shadow of its former self. A version with a very slow and almost enclosures Bono again. People were more aware of good animations on screens with the dancer's hands caressing the band members. So that the end of the topic saved by avoiding the ridiculous but as in all this tour's played without the guitar solo long last. About Total.
6. Elevation: guitar sounded very convincing and as usual, but that does not mean it is a very good Light but to upset the Stade de France. Bono clicking fun to see a balloon with a microphone and doing little voices to pop it.
7. Until The End Of The World: hypnosis of guitar distortion and returned to work within fascinating live U2 Recondo how big they have become. It was not his best version, Bono again recited most of the issue, The Edge made a significant decision and the impasse that make to half of the subject does not help much, but luckily the end of the song was glorious entertained with his usual show of Bono and The Edge on bridges.

8. I Still Have not Found What I'm Looking For: hurt me to see how the loaded almost turning into a massive karaoke Bono sang only half the song. Still in this 360 ° Tour this issue has regained its lost dignity about the very slow version of the Vertigo Tour, mostly instrumental sound. Was preceded by an entertaining presentation of Bono of the band members in French, naming Louis as The Edge Pasteur's rock 'n' roll.
9. North Star: one of the new songs (discard the recording sessions of No Line On The Horizon) that are playing live and debuting. This ballad a bit sappy and quite flojilla all may say, did not sound bad at all with Bono and The Edge solo performer, showing that when issues are taken seriously the performances improve exponentially.

10. Mercy: the best of the concert, no doubt. Another "new" product of the recording sessions of "How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb" (2004) although we already knew Mercy a studio version. Her live version is doctored, you have 2 minutes less in length and contains changes in his handwriting. It sounded really great, in a magnificent performance which showed that this is one of their best songs in years, shame that the public does not know. Again, the implication of the band was maximum and it showed positive. A pleasure to see you live finally.

11. In A Little While: after the rush of Mercy absolute slump with In A Little While, in a dull and slow version. Completely dispensable, their presence in the setlist as set is totally inexplicable because it is one of their best songs but rather the opposite. Bono pulled a girl from the audience to dance with him and the screen appeared the members of the International Space Station.
12. Miss Sarajevo: as In A Little While, entirely expendable, causing more dull and boring section of the concert. Version poor, much worse than the versions of the Vertigo Tour. The piece that emulates operatic Pavarotti Bono has become a parody, an imitation that is limited to shouting and imitating the voice of the great tenor.

13. City Of Blinding Lights: good version, which this tour has become more forceful and especially visually, since it is the song that best exploits the potential of "The Claw" (the spectacular scenery in a "claw"). Spectacular.
14. Vertigo: a shame to throw overboard Bono version especially powerful and totally wild reciting the theme and removing any passion. Another topic like City Of Blinding Lights has won forcefulness on the Vertigo Tour, the tour that saw them debut.
15. I'll Go Crazy If I Do not Go Crazy Tonight remix: new downturn, a topic that had become funny, length and pace was leaden and again the interpretation of Bond was much to blame. Final fate of the powerful and the snippets of Two Tribes and Relax and one of the most contentious of I Gotta Feeling.

16. Sunday Bloody Sunday: contrary to expectations, and seeing as were the paths, Sunday Bloody Sunday was the best of the night. Was among the few classics that gave itself the length and perhaps helped the public to deliver the maximum. After a break for the public to do the karaoke with the snippet "Get Up, Stand Up", the end of the song with Bono efforts and letting the vocal cords was worth well worth it.
17. MLK: disappointment, because we all expected them to play Mothers Of The Disappeared, as had happened in recent concerts.
18. Walk On: positive surprise, as it sounded better than last year that did not quite jell. Pretty good version and end of subject.
19. One: opened the encore. Scratch passing Justito version would have been much better if there were no wrong The Edge distortion from his guitar that sounded much more distorted and more delay than usual.
20. Where The Streets Have No Name: after initial snippet precious Amazing Grace that serves great transition, the classic was showcased alone. It is without doubt U2's classic while most resilient and looks better live, as always spectacular. It was cast in races lack the Edge and Bono on stage, although the latter is no longer for these things lately.
21. Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me: opened the second set of encores. Exceeded the initial anger had replaced the great and irreplaceable Ultra Violet (Light My Way), this issue was the soundtrack of the film Batman Forever made us go back to the time of PopMart Tour, but did not ring with claw and power 13 years ago. Its distortion, its air garajero and pimping are the potential for this issue. The micro flying and luces dió mucho juego con Bono haciendo el mono balancéandose sobre él para disipar dudas sobre su espalda operada recientemente.

22. With Or Without You: pide un descanso a gritos, la versión con la que nos obsequiaron fue francamente lamentable. La desgana con la que fue interpretada, con Bono recintándola totalmente de principio a fin sin ningún tipo de sentimiento ni implicación, es un insulto a esta obra maestra. De vergüenza ajena.
23. Moment Of Surrender: y en cuestión de segundos se dió la vuelta totalmente al calcetín. Tras el esperpento de With Or Without You se marcaron una gran Moment Of Surrender version to complete the concert, much better than the 4 that I could see past 2009, with any substantial changes as eliminating the "oh, oh" from the beginning and make a new verse at the end with Bono rapeándola. To highlight the great work of The Edge on this issue in piano, guitar and vocals. Bonita, with feeling, beautiful way to end the concert.

You can download the audio of the concert here: Part 1 Part 2 (links through U2start )


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