Friday, November 26, 2010

Mario Salieri Movies Blog

Chronicle concert Arcade Fire in Barcelona 21/11 / 2010

Date: Sunday, November 21, 2010. Place: Palau Sant Jordi, Barcelona. Attendance: 12,000 spectators (in a capacity of 18,000). Admission: 39 euros.

The night did not look very good, actually. With Palau Sant Jordi soulless little over half full camouflage with a curtain that covered the entire bottom of the vacuum enclosure, and with an audience of diverse cultures within the gafapatismo and modernism, I thought that perhaps the bias could ruin a concert that had long hoped to fruition. To make matters worse the concert began with a horrible sound, in which multiple instruments are confused identifiable in a little buzz.

If the sound is initially not accompanied neither did the songs from his new album "The Suburbs , which did not look too live all is said, exceptions that LUEV comment. "The Suburbs is a great album, a masterpiece as a whole, but is lacking in this case hits and the classics of" funeral l "and" Neon Bible "won by a landslide, and second half of the concert was proof. 8 songs from "The Suburbs " fell into the setlist, and 7 of the "Funeral " and only 3 of the " Neon Bible."

View these guys with the passion of, and as exchanged in their positions and instruments including the songs is something that we are not accustomed. The first half of the concert ended up not starting at all, while the band gave it all on stage. Pleasantly surprised by the degree of sympathy and great improvement as frontman Win Butler, but also made a discreet background to his wife Régine Chassagne only had his moment of glory with Haiti and Sprawl II .

ruling Al and sound familiar, it contributed to a slow start setlist choice of all the shrapnel left the end of the concert. New Ready To Start (bad milk lacks direct), Sprawl II , Modern Man, Rococo and The Suburbs (perhaps the weakest of all) did not finish to exploit its enormous potential live. Intercarcaladas including only No Cars Go put the excitement and respectable and Haiti Laika set the tone more happy and dance of the night.

But as if by magic, suddenly everything exploded. Coupled with an apparent improvement (not complete) sound, a beautiful and huge end Crown Of Love changed the future of the concert, and from temazo temazo hence driving up exponentially after the euphoric atmosphere of Sant Jordi. Intervention over light the fuse and the 2 new We Used To Wait (spectacular) and Month Of May showed that there are songs in "The Suburbs " live and work that way! And before the final encore was glorious, with the Sant Jordi turned upside down with Power Out , Rebellion (Lies) , Month Of May (Live surprising his paw) and followed Tunnels. What else to ask.

The encore continued with the apotheosis, pity they were so short, only 2 songs. Keep The Car Running a cut version with explanations which have appreciated a fade-out and the great song Wake Up coreable closed the night on top and the audience ecstatic. Mission accomplished and overwhelming success of Arcade Fire , although there were some shadows. And that is just 1 ½ hour concert due to its excellent discography and sounds like a little B-sides. Also make the final leap to large pavilions necessarily improve the sound, as if Barcelona was not isolated on this tour. But the level of overall satisfaction was high, in view of upcoming tours will be at the level of the big band world, I swear.

1. Ready To Start
2. Neighborhood #2 (Laika)
3. No Cars Go
4. Haití
5. Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)
6. Modern Man
7. Rococo
8. The Suburbs
9. The Suburbs (continued)
10. Crown Of Love
11. Intervention
12. We Used To Wait
13. Neighborhood #3 (Power Out)
14. Rebellion (Lies)
15. Month Of May
16. Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)
17. Keep The Car Running
18. Wake Up

He aquí unos excelente vídeos que circulan por la red (subidos by XaviShMusic2010): Rococo

The Suburbs

We Used To Wait

Wake Up


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