Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sharp Pain In Arm When Push

DISC REVIEW: Kings Of Leon - Come Around Sundown (2010)

Kings Of Leon get off the crest of the wave of their own volition. After his last album "Only By The Night " (2008) that made them stick a huge leap (sold 6 million copies around the world, a spectacular figure today!) and placed on top, have now agreed with this "Come Around Sundown" (2010) relax with a long drive worked more, much more soul , gospel and epic, more mature and calm, with more consistency, but without any single or any catchy hit clear. For many will consider the latter as an album worse or boring, but in this case is quite the opposite.

With a career behind and important (this is his 5th studio album), Kings Of Leon fortunately slowly are leaving behind his wild style, histrionic, and even hysterical at times, to build a style much calmer, more adult, his pop / rock with southern winds and soul (100% American) combined with the garage and grunge begins to acquire a unique personal style. Many are beginning to compare them with U2 or Pearl Jam , with the latter do see that the comparison is more accurate if we consider that the most calm of this " Sundown Come Around" and earlier " Only By The Night "saved perhaps too similar to the mythical Seattle band, not to mention that the voice of singer Caleb Followill is becoming more similar (in some cases grate obsession) than Eddie Vedder on the most sense. And the voice of Caleb Followill is perhaps the most controversial is up around this great group, and that leaves no one indifferent, for my taste win many integers when Caleb stop screaming nonsense and puts more feeling, despite the already mentioned resemblance to Eddie Vedder.

Although not entirely my cup of tea Kings Of Leon are a great band, and the improvement they have had with their last 3 albums have been more than noticeable. Is a band with a rhythm section impressive battery and above its low for me are its main asset may say also joined by a very good guitarist. This " Sundown Come Around" has been the definitive consolidation, while not full of hits like "Only By The Night " does have a continuity and depth, and as I have said repeatedly a remarkable maturity. Let

the themes of this "Come Around Sundown"

1. The End: paradoxically by its title and style might seem an issue to close the record and not to open it, but it is an excellent choice. Theme rather quiet, very soul and feeling, shows his maturity as a band. Excellent distorted guitars and ambient light touch.
2. Radioctive: the single presentation of the disc, but hit has almost nothing. To understand is not a hit as there were in "Only By The Night " but a good topic, the most movidito and more grip on the disc, but without excess. Excellent work of the rhythm section (drums and bass). Gospel choirs curious to hear lejamente background.
3. Pyro: fantastic for me perhaps the best of the album. Quiet and relaxed, but also emotional and epic, shows that Kings Of Leon have also learned a hacer buenas baladas. Su final desprende una enorme grandeza. Sencilla pero sensacional guitarra.
4. Mary: si bien vocalmente es un tema totalmente pop al más puro estilo años 50 (los coros ayudan enormente), musicalmente es el tema más rockero y potente de todo el disco, con unos grandes guitarreos. Sin duda, muy buena conjunción.
5. The Face: uno de los temas más oscuros de todo el álbum, rozando el post-punk, y en que la voz de Caleb Followill llega a uno de sus puntos más sentidos de todo el disco, en una excelente interpretación. Sencillo pero bonito punteo de guitarra.
6. The Immortals: muy buen tema dream pop en que su hilo conductor is an awesome bass line very powerful and elegant (with solos included), with guitar playing shoegaze and funk even airs. The best of the album.
7. Back Down South: total change of pace with this ballad airs country and folk, which highlights the presence of violins in the whole song. Without falling into the topic of converting these songs of this style taverna simple folk songs, here is a emotion and a great soul touches throughout the song, which even has a final gospel. Fantastic.
8. Beach Side: as its title indicates, we go to the beach. With dreamy air, and again with another great and elegant bass line, poppy style of the 60 beach to the Beach Boys is present but with a seriousness and sobriety remarkable.
9. No Money: after a series of songs to other styles faced with this No Money Kings Of Leon become more genuine, this item dirtier garage house brand more powerful guitar. Cool but I see no longer a autoplagio and a nod to his fans of his times stronger or those nostalgic for their hits "Only By The Night ."
10. Pony Up: strange and curious mix of rock, soul and even funk (your battery it is complete). Fully passes unnoticed.
11. Birthday: nice mid-tempo with a melancholy air that surrounds the song, but her cheerful guitar seems to indicate quite the opposite. Pity we did not finish off at any time.
12. My Friend: melancholy theme with a country touch is present throughout the song. Frankly, and contrary to many opinions, I think is what all the hard peorcito and Caleb Followill obsessed with singing to Eddie Vedder not help much in this song.
13. Pickup Truck: Kings Of Leon have again achieved, the terminal an album best. Track Pickup is "Come Around Sundown "What is Cold Desert to" Only By The Night "the best and final emotional as possible. The recipe is the same: emotional song, epic, soul (Caleb sings with great feeling), with a excellent air guitar and a fantastic bass line. With Pyro, the best song on the album.


You can hear the "Come Around Sundown" by Kings Of Leon Spotify.

Radioactive (official video)

No Money


Pickup Truck


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