Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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DISC REVIEW: Interpol - Interpol (2010) Chronic

Important step back and huge disappointment. That's what comes to my head after the first listen and after repeated opportunities I've given the disc. If Interpol was one of those indie groups placed in the " pole position" to become one of the biggest bands, their 4th album it has been more than a self-tripping for progression. Because after about 3 first albums so substantial (although it can be said that each was slightly lower than before) this album titled " Interpol" (2010) is quite a black spot for your records.

all know that Interpol are not a group to use, stylish dark, gloomy, and sometimes baroque appellant to pathos, it makes them an easy group to assimilate to the first. Remain true to his dark and eighties post-punk style and rock revival, but it is easy to see that they have been very dry of ideas. Besides the feeling of autoplagio recurs throughout the album, some issues are overly burdened, in line with the latest songs from their latest album "Our Love To Admire " (2007). Many of these compositions are very poor, excessively long and boring that use in excess of pathos (the voice of singer Paul Banks still further enhance the feeling) and Summer Well, much like the worst style of Muse Always current Malaise (The Man I Am) , All Of The Ways or The Undoing especially. To get an idea, there are only 3 issues that may come or compared with the level of those containing their first 3 albums.

Cabe decir que porque estos chicos talento tienen, no todo es negativo en este disco, pero sólo hay 3 temas que tengan un buen nivel y que sean salvables, y eso visto las espectativas es muy pero que muy escaso. Todo lo salvable lo encontramos en la cara A del álbum, con un buen inicio con Success (un tema marca de la casa, fresco y que guarda la esencia de sus grandes temas pasados), la muy buena Memory Serves (sónicamente muy parecida a su álbum debut en 2002 " Turn On The Bright Lights "), el single Lights (la mejor del álbum, un misterioso increscendo fantástico que alcanza el nivel de los mejores Interpol) y aquí también podríamos colocar al Barricade another single, which after a promising start spectacular (the first 30 seconds are great) will become progressively ruining an issue in the most vulgar and mainstream album. Being benevolent side B could only pardon the semi-epic and electronic touches Try It On, but it is no wonder.

Finally, huge disappointment and numerous criticisms of the indie release ( Pitchfork the abuser with a valuation 4'6), which added to the abandonment of the band once the album of their low air added Carlos Dengler of uncertainty to the future of the group. Fortunately their live remains at a remarkable level, I could see in Paris of the tour opening for U2 and can say that the new live tracks defended them solvent.


Hear his new album titled "Interpol" in Spotify.


Memory Serves




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