Tuesday, May 24, 2011

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How to get Google Maps routes in the Forerunner

This weekend I have an overdose of hills and mountains ... The two highest mountains I see from home, the Tibidabo and Chicken Turó were my goals on Saturday and Sunday respectively. The two races ran through mountains, so the opportunity to test the Paths or Routes Forerunner was unsurpassed. I have asked for the process, so I'll try to reproduce. If someone finds a way to make please tell me, I think you could save a step ...

past, do my daily workouts, today was quite normalillo after undeserved break on Monday. 9.26 miles away in gradual, beginning at 6:02 and arriving at 4:38, the best, beats below 150 to kilometer 8, I started to tighten just a bit. 142bpm average, average rate of 5.17 and good feelings. Morning to see if it goes a little faster, and for Thursday series.

And now for the fun! How to run a route that we have not ever run stored in the Forerunner, and that our beloved gadget indicating the direction we go and not get lost in any crossing.

1 - Create the route with Google Maps Google Maps
is complete to create our own routes. Even published a career path in Google Maps format, eg Half Marathon Terrassa, if I remember correctly. But the funny thing is to make a path ourselves. For this, one of the most direct routes is to enter the GMail page with your username and password, open a new tab in the browser and then going to http://maps.google.es .

Once we get there, you have to go to the place you're going to do the route. We can go moving the controls of Google Maps, or for example write the site name in the search bar and press Enter.

Once we located the area where we do the route, we clicked a link that says "My Maps" under the logo of Google Maps will see. Clicking on it, maps appear that you have created earlier, and another link that says "Create new map." Fearless Click on "Create new map", and start ... We

prompted for a title, which we like, and then the fun begins. At the top left of the map are three icons, a hand, a kind of pin and a broken line. Click on the broken line and the cursor will turn into a cross. We go to the starting point of our route, and click once with the mouse. Move the mouse to the second point, and re-click once. It will draw the route step by step. We repeat this process until the entire route. Do not worry if does not work, then you can tweak. Id drawing the route, though not 100% accurate. When you are done, you have to click with the mouse just above the last point where we have played. And ready. We asked for a name for the route, enter and press OK.

probably will not have been perfect. You can go with the mouse to any of the items you have placed, click and hold, move the cursor to the right place and drop it there. If you lack some point, are moving the mouse to the midpoint of the line joining two consecutive points, pinchais, and hold, are moving the point to create a waypoint. Let go, and it stays put. If

pinchais error over the last point before the end of the route, there is a trick. It consists of clicking on the last point, take it far enough, and then go, repeating the process I explain in the previous paragraph in order to create waypoints.

When we have our route on Google Maps, we turn to the next step.

2 - Export the route to Google Earth
When we have our route on Google Maps, you have to pass it to Google Earth. If you do not have it, install it from this link is free, runs on Windows, Mac and Linux. Back to Google Maps, and click on "View in Google Earth", which is above map on the right side. In our browser, open Google Earth directly or download a file with a. Kml. If you have not open Google Earth, arrancadlo and click on File - Open, locate the file. Seleccionadlo kml and.

In the section "Temporary Places of Google Earth" find the path you have created. Click twice on the name of the path we have created, and Google Earth will show us on the map. When we see that is the correct path, you must click the right button in the name of the route, under "Temporary Places in Google Earth" and click on the "Save to My Places. Then look for the route, but instead of "Temporary Places Google Earth ", the look in your" favorites. "right-clicking on the name of the route, and then click the" Save rather how. "Select the format. kml, not. kmz, and choose the name you want to save it.

This step is very important. Google Maps writes a file whose extension is. kml, but if you do this process, that file will not work for the third step, which is what comes next.

3 - Convert GPX route
already have a. kml with the route. You can check, if you open the file with a text editor, you must have a lot of numbers that are coordinates. However, if you open the. Kml recorded by Google Maps, you'll see that has a URL instead of the coordinates.

now need a program called GPS Babel. can download it here , it's free, of course. When installed you put it up. In the input options, select the format "Google Earth (Keyhole) Markup Language." In Output Options, Format "GPX XML". Click on the file chooser entry options, look for the file. Kml who have recorded with Google Earth and seleccionadlo. We do the same in the section of output options, and choose a name for the file to be recorded. Click Apply, and ready. We can close. And we're almost.

4 - Convert GPX to CRS
The Foreruner accepts a proprietary format to import routes, with an extension of CRS. To convert our. Gpx in. Crs, we downloaded the Gpx2Crs of this direction. Open the file. Gpx2Crs.exe zip and extract. For those who have Macs, good news, it works with mono. Punctured twice, or use the monkey, and we will get a tab you can select the file. Gpx we created in the previous step. We can choose the pace at which we run the route, and once done, select "Convert", choose the file name Agrabad pair, for example ruta.crs, and we're almost.

5 - import the route on the Garmin Training Center
For this last step I have not found a way to do it on the Mac, necessarily have to use Windows or VMware on my case. Open the Garmin Training Center. We click on File - Import to current user account - Journeys, we select our file. Crs, and we already have. Finally, we sent the sketch to the device, or if you have a Mac, select the route, click File - Export, was recorded in tcx format and then import it to the Garmin Training Center for Mac, send it to your device, synchronize, and ready.

6 - run!
When we have the sketch in the Forerunner, select Training - Pathways, we chose ours, select Do Course, press Start when we are ready, and enjoy!

7 - Questions and answers
is the first tutorial that I dare to do. If anything is unclear or not working, please let me know and I'll update. And if you worked, tell me too, I will look forward ... :)

The Shingles On Your Head

The Department of HERITAGE STONE and graffiti organizes workshops for children from 4 to 9

• The 2nd edition of Be archaeologist for a day Castle Castalla be held next June 18

The Department of Heritage City Council has prepared for the June 18 second editing Be archaeologist for a day. The initiative, which aims to inform about some techniques of our ancestors, is aimed at boys and girls between 4 and 9 years and will be held at the castle.

The children who join can feel, for a while, as true investigators. This year, two free workshops are offered: one, to work stone and the other to perform original graffiti. The first will be from 18 to 19 hours and the second from 19:15 to 20:15 hours.

Those interested in participating in one of these courses must register by phone (669 743 440 Juan Antonio) or email ( patrimoniocultural@castalla.org ). Both should indicate the names of boys and girls participating, age, work registration and contact telephone number. The maximum number of participants is 30 per shift. In addition, minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Last year, workshops and archaeological ceramics were very successful participation .


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Monday, May 23, 2011

Shingles On You Rhead


The municipal elections held on May 22 have left Castalla a map of councilors of the most diverse. The four parties that the elections have been presented to the City Council unless a representative of the town, which has grown from 13 in 2007 it was 17 this year.

The PP was once again much more voted, but lost the absolute majority. The popular candidate has won eight council members, according to the list posted on April 20 to BOP, the current would Mayor Jose Luis Prats, Juan Antonio Candela, Sabina Santonja, Carmen Bellot, Susan McKenzie, Stephen Leal, Ramiro and Wences Garcimatín Prats.

PSOE was the second game with a wider support by castelluts castelludes and who have exercised their right to vote, with five representatives: Maite Gimeno, Paco Tortosa, Alvaro Palma, hard and Magda Maria Angeles Gonzalez.

Ucides have made the block and two councilors each. For the nationalist, it is Juan Antonio Cerda and Monllor Lusa, first and second list, respectively. Regarding the candidacy consisting of independent members unhappy with the PP Prats, the councilors have been elected Paqui Guill i Juan Antonio Rico, fill de l'ex-mayor Juan Rico.

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passed and nine in the evening of 22-M in Castlebar and began to be made public the first results of the municipal election. The figures emerging, with only 7% of the votes counted, gave the majority of 9 councilors to the PP. The PSOE was left with 4, with 2 and BLOC, UCID with the remaining two.

Later, with almost 20% escrutato, results you removed an alderman for the PP, which stood at the fork, 8. The Socialist Party, meanwhile, won one and was left with 5, while the Bloc and remained with UCID two each. This distribution of councilors, who have kept up and until the end of the night, did not prevent, however, that the continued tense atmosphere.

The new data came to the session dropper castallense. The percentages of votes cast were updated, although the score was unchanged. The PP would be the most voted, but there seemed to be left without an absolute majority. Only

table was Galilee seen. Uff, what nerve!. José Luis Prats, popular bid leader, his face serious. Maite Gimeno, head of the list of socialites, was visibly nervous by final results were made to pray. Galilee took a long time.

and asked all around us, because there we were, with a laptop, watching the count data in real time. Denifitivos percentages were not forthcoming. Maite, the phone, I was very nervous, while Jose Luis maintained an uneasy calm (or tense calm).

the end, with 100% of the votes cast revealed, all knew that the Popular Party won the election in Castlebar, obtaining 8 councilors, but finally lost the absolute majority it had enjoyed in the past legislatures.

The PSOE rose and went up to 5 aldermen, the Bloc remained the two already had and UCID, the novelty of this election, it sneak in the session with two councilors.

The tension in the room was full. We heard some applause and a sentence: "The fact that the town has volgut" sounded in the background. Since that time, José Luis Prats never stopped answering the phone. Maite, more expressive, they embraced their families.

With all decided , the staff present there proceeded to leave the city council. A few yards away, in Plaza de la Font Vella, UCID joyfully celebrated their results.

In the coming days, many questions will be those that will have to punt.

- will rule the PP in the minority?

- José Luis Prats Agreeing with another party to strengthen its position and form a strong government?

- Creation of a tripartite agreement between PSOE, BLOC and UCID, Maite as mayor?

All letters are, for now, on the deck. Everyone must play their own, they handed them Castalla voters. Lack, yes, to know who wins this game you play is the future of the town.

Whatever happens, we will continue reporting on Diari de Castalla-Castalla day.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

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• The leading candidate Jose Luis Prats has been the most votes, with 43.55% of the vote, and get 8 Councillors

· It could govern in the minority, or agree with any of the other local parties to build a strong government

· PSPV-PSOE (5), BLOC-Compromís per Castalla (2) and UCID (2) would amount to a tripartite agreement

Castalla People's Party has come to be the most voted in Castlebar on the occasion of the municipal elections this Sunday, May 22. The leading candidate Jose Luis Prats has obtained 2,409 votes, representing a 43.55% of the total. However, this figure translates into 8 council members, one fewer than needed to validate the absolute majority it had in the previous legislature.

The PSPV-PSOE, Maite Gimeno the front, has managed 1,437 votes (a 25.98%) and add 5 aldermen.

The BLOC-Compromís per Castalla, with 798 votes (14.43% a) maintains its two representatives.

The question of the day, Citizens Union for Democracy (UCID), the independent party formed by militants PP has managed two other councilmen, and what is the same, 798 votes (13%%).

This fragmentation opens a range of possible agreements between different parties local. In the coming days we will know if the PP chooses to govern in minority , if it reaches an agreement-specific or permanently, with another formation of the opposition to form a stronger government . The other option, a priori less likely, is that the PSOE, BLOC and UCID get together and form a tripartite Prats unseat the mayoral .

Participation has exceeded 75%. 2.87% of the votes cast and white were 3.37%, null.

This year, in Castlebar could exercise their right to vote in a total of 7,625 local people, who had to choose to 17 councilors, four more than in 2007. Les

13 polling stations of the population have been established early in the morning without incident.


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scrutiny CASTALLA, minute by minute!

22.34 h l'scrutiny Finalitza Castalla: 8 PP, PSOE 5, 2 BLOC i 2 UCID. José Luis Prats lose absolute Marjorie, who is amb 9 regidors.

22:21 pm With 90.02% scrutinized: PP 8 (1 in most), PSOE 5, BLOCK 2 and 2 Ucides

22:06 pm to Canvass 77.55% 8 PP, PSOE, 5 BLOCK 2 Ucides 2.

21:55 pm interim results are maintained with 66.96% of the vote scrutinized: 8 PP, PSOE 5, BLOCK 2 Ucides 2.

21:48 am Provisional Results Castalla scrutinized with 57.72% in municipal elections: 8 PP, PSOE 5, BLOCK 2 Ucides 2.

21.45h With more scrutinized than half the votes (52.39%), the PSOE would get five councilors.

21.42h With 26.95% of votes scrutinized, the Popular Party would have eight aldermen, PSOE 4, el BLOC 3 (un més que ara) i UCiD, 2.

21.39 Amb el 19,34%, el PP de Castalla es quedaria amb 8 regidors, el PSOE, 4 el BLOC 3 i UCiD, 2.

21.33 h Amb poc més del 6% de vots escrutats a Castalla, el Partit Popular de José Luis Prats obtindria 9 regidors, el PSOE 4, UCiD 2 i el BLOC, 2 més.

21.00 h Esperem les primeres dades de l'escrutini real a Castalla. En joc hi ha 17 regidors, quatre més que l'any 2007.



· VOTES scrutiny of regional elections (CASTALLA)

PHOTO: Environment in the electoral headquarters of the PP Castalla, located in Plaza de la Font Vella.

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Chronicle Pujada to them Pedres

Chronicle yesterday could have been done with just two words ... My legs ... The

today, with three ... My poor legs ...

The race yesterday was much more difficult that I have no doubt. Today was also the last, but not much, but of course, make the two in a row bordering on madness. I do not think an animal returns to do so. The two races attracted me a lot, especially today. I signed up to Tibidabo when I knew that today was that of Santa Coloma, so I tried Luckily, I finished the two, quite whole, today I saw that he could have done better, tougher climbs and I choked on the last mile I ran out of gas and could not pull over, but the balance is very good, I've had a great time, especially today, with family, I saw my puppy debut made a big Kids Run also impressive and we celebrated by giving us a binge on The Tagliatella ... Can you ask for? :) First things first, like Jack the Ripper said ...

Good manners should not miss, so I wake up at 5:15 and early riser breakfast. After breakfast, a nap on the couch. And my big chachorro woke up shortly after and came to keep me company. You could see nerviosillo, would be his debut ... :)

Manu arrived on time at 8:10, left the clothes at home and headed toward the exit on foot. Finally our wives and puppies come shortly before the end of the race, so we already equipped to run, no bag or anything. A little warm up and stretching, many people do not know if it came to more than 800 runners, but if it had to be reached by very little. Atmosphere in the corridor, I loved seeing so many people waiting to get beat by miles and hills in my city, including many children and adolescents. We went to the starting area, a bit of a hassle and delay of 10 minutes, and run!

started down a wide track, but we are many brokers and must continue at the pace the group. The ten extra minutes of waiting we are all rather cold out, so the pace is gentle and non- I worry about moving positions, the body was not to overstrain and still had the hardest. 650 meters up a slope of 5.1%, 350 down, and just the first thousand meters at a pace of 5:04. Mentally, more by intuition than anything else, thought that making the race to 5:00 would be a good race. But that said, this had not just begun ...

The second mile is down a little, by a very narrow track, we must go in single file. We were good but could have gone faster. Well, not bad keeping forces. I thought the second mile to 4:49, and the fun begins.

smooth About 100 meters up, and suddenly we have a criminal ramp with a slope of 10% that lasts for more than half a kilometer. I grit my teeth and going up, but there comes a time when I can not run and I have to keep going. I think that in other circumstances would have gone well, but I paid yesterday. Stopped many people, the stretch was very hard. Just then turns toward Pedres Dues are going up and down a bit, regained some breath, turned on the Dues Pedres basically two stones on either side of the road, and just the third mile in 5:43. Repeat the slides to return to the original route, before the diversion, we return to the Street of the race, I can not forget that name in my life, and other Once up ... It was an appetizer before ... This time, the ramp lasted for almost 900 meters and up a slope of 11.6%. Without doubt, the hardest part of the race. At times I run but at times I walk ...

marks the fourth mile was still rising, my pace is 7:22. Forces'm very fair, but I know when it's over that hill the race is softer and I think is best for my profile. One last effort, crowned the ascent, we reached the first aid station. I stop, I drink a glass of water in two shots, I had never done anything like that, but I feel great ... Re-run and headed by a main road toward the village Vallensana, a very rare, we passed a horse and everything. The profile of that part of the race is much nicer, a little ramp immediately followed by a downhill, flat sections, I begin to recover from the effort and move runners. I'm the fifth mile at a pace of 5:26, recovering some time after the killer climb.

The sixth kilometer runs between urbanization and the Turo del Pollo, you have to suffer a bit on the last leg of the climb to Turo, but I do with forces, still passing runners and feeling a little better, although I'm not entirely fresh . Sixth mile to 5:14, just a piece of race for the heights and we must begin to fall, finally ... Returning

Turó there is still a hard uphill, but I do looking forward, I know it's short, I've been there several times, so I press and refers to the slope to stop. Start to descend, accelerate, let gravity pull on me, I know that part of the circuit and know that you can try to go fast, but I realize that I just left the forces. Seventh mile to 4:30.

The eighth in free fall. The race will estiradísima, I get a pair of runners. I do it at 3:59. Let

the ninth, is eased down in the mile before I had to go slow down, he had to rush in if they wanted to scrape a few seconds I give cane to the legs, I find, I'm tired, but there is little, it's time to push, just to 4:02.

And we are just a mile, I notice that you run out of fuel, I'm at a good pace but not advance to anyone, no down, the route is flat, we reached the park where he was out there to make a last piece of a very narrow road, press a little before reaching step this way and two runners, headed the final meters, there are no forces to sprint, but I get very happy, it has been a tough test, I expected the sausage !

49:50 Stop the Forerunner, I almost forgot, I think I did about 5 seconds less. The watch me and mark 9.82 miles it gives me an average pace of 5:04, the race officially was 10.5 kilometers, but the route is shortened to a length last year, so surely it was just over 10 miles. Between the time it took to stop the Forerunner and the distance that often cut the GPS, I think the real rate was slightly better than those 5:00 that intuition told me ... Average HR 172bpm and maximum of 187.

Manu came very soon after, made a carrerón! I had to throw for much of the race, only to end in the fall I lost it. We went for the sausage, which left us looking like new. I do not know what to do zombies when preparing the sausages, but they are magical, as shown here:

But that was only the first race! Raul debut missing my puppy more. One last photo with the coach before going to the starting line ...

Race 6 to 8 years was 500 meters depending on the organization, but rather were about 250 ... Line. Latest tips. Some nerves. I'm going to the finish line ... A shot is heard, and a kind of stampede of children down the road ... And as it goes, what estilazo!

We stayed a while resting in the grass and eating whatever was in the gift bags. A shower at home, and we went to eat all at The Tagliatella, an Italian restaurant where pasta place that costs me finish, so you can imagine how big are ...

Indeed, on Sunday May 29th we are organizing a left / runner training in Vilanova. Carles Aguilar confirmed, Rafa Maier and myself. The meeting point is the season of Villanova at 9:00 am. Would you join, right? If you like, please tell me something to count on you.

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Up to 18 hours, participation in Castalla stood at 59.18% in the municipal elections, a percentage very similar to the registered In 2007 the second advance (58.80%).

regard to the Valencian Parliament elections, the number of castelluts voting that had placed the ballot at the same time was 61.36% significantly lower than four years ago (62.17%).

be recalled that in the municipal elections have the right to vote in Castalla a total of 7625 people, who elect 17 council members, four more than in 2007. In regional elections, which renewed the 99 seats in the Valencian Parliament, the census is 7092 electors in the municipality.

The 13 polling stations of the population have been established early in the morning without any remarkable incident.



regional elections:


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At 14 hours, participation in Castalla stood at 44.61% in municipal elections. This is almost a percentage point higher than recorded in 2007 in the first advance ( 43.84%).

regard to regional elections, the number of castelluts who had exercised their right to vote at the same time was 46.15%, compared to 44.92% from four years ago .

be recalled that in the municipal elections have the right to vote in Castalla a total of 7625 people, who elect 17 council members, four more than in 2007. In regional elections, which renewed the 99 seats the Valencian Parliament, the census of 7092 voters in the municipality.

The 13 polling stations of the population have been established early in the morning without any remarkable incident.

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13 polling Castalla

The 13 polling stations there were up to Castalla normally early in the morning, as you can see on page Web special elections that have been prepared by the Ministry of Interior.

In the municipal elections have the right to vote a total of 7625 people, who elect 17 council members, four more than in 2007. In regional elections, which renewed 99 escons els de les Corts Valencianes, the census is 7,092 electors.

From les 14 hores is to provide the first breakthrough for participation.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

5 Days Before Perod Lots Of Cm


During municipal election campaign in the bar Castalla Ca Llauro have an original initiative. A group of customers were a few days ago, during one of his pleasant dinners, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a political club to see who will be the next mayor the locality.

The goal was for all citizens to bet on an election result. the modest price of two euros. At the same time, collaborate in a good cause, because half of the donations will cover the Association of Friends and Relatives of Patients with Alzheimer's Castalla and region.

According to Jose Antonio Guill, responsible for setting, the initiative has been very well received. "We decided to carry out this initiative to give a lighthearted touch to the policy of our town," he says.

This Sunday we will know who the winner of the club and also the mayor of Castalla for the next four years.

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Last Thursday, three days before the elections, the Association of Friends and Neighbors of Historic Centre of Castalla reached a milestone that seemed impossible: a commitment to action by the PP, PSOE, and BLOCK Ucides to revitalize this area of \u200b\u200btown.

The four parties to attend tomorrow's elections have signed a consensus document with which guarantee that, whatever the election results, the revitalization of the old quarter of the population will spend some agreed.

The writing says that "the defense of the Historic Centre of Castalla not constitute a reason for confrontation people of different political parties, but a binding motif for all citizens of Castalla.

By signing this document, the representatives of different political forces to engage local friends and neighbors "to bring forward a series of actions "important to rehabilitate the heart Castalla.

This public commitment is based on five basic points: socialla political consensus and creating an office of the Historic Centre, the completion and implementation of a Special Plan , the search for agreements with higher authorities and a wide participation so that any person or association que vullga, puga sentir-­‐se part i contribuir en aquest procés.


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Diari de Castalla realizará mañana, 22 de mayo, un exhaustivo seguimiento de la jornada de elecciones municipales y autonómicas que se celebrará en la localidad. A lo largo del día les ofreceremos los datos actualizados participation and, after the closure of polling stations, the result of the election.

The timetables are as follows: First

14:00 18:00
participation advance progress involvement
Second M 20:00 22:00
involvement final results of the ballot

All information on election day and counting the minutes can be followed on the following websites:


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Dues Chronicle Pujada 2011 Tibidabo

My legs ... If I had to write a chronicle of the race in two words, those would be, my legs. Right now they are warm, I have ice on the knee, I devoured a protein bar and Aquarius have swallowed in large quantities, and I keep thinking that tomorrow I pointed to another Pujada , visiting Chicken Turó included ...

Yesterday I was reviewing the profile of the test. I was a little scared because they gave many indications in the web of proof on the tour, explained that there would be signs of chalk on the floor, only committed on the crossings, and that the local police would be present at the time of crossing road. I thought I could lose myself, I went on a mountain race last year, so using Google Maps, Google Earth and a couple of little programs I managed to keep the road in my Forerunner and sample the option Pathways that had not used so far. At the last minute I was tempted to take a road trip in the pocket, I got to print it and everything but finally gave me time running out, quickly left the house and the road remained in the printer ... Ritual

classic morning diana at 5:30, breakfast, Section 8, and put into practice the tactics of a nap before leaving, I sense of wonder. I expected a good ride on the Metro to Avenida Tibidabo, so I took my Kindle and I read Born to run, that has me completely hooked. I recommend it, is a book that a couple of years ago I would not have attracted and would hardly have understood, but now, relatively speaking, I feel something of complicity with friends Tarahumara ... :)

Between Page and I stood on Avenida Tibidabo, and once there was still a good walk to the exit. Few people, minimal but proper organization, delivery of numbers for those not picked it up yesterday, four toilets, sufficient for the time you arrived, and a bag collection service then we would deliver in the Tibidabo Amusement Park. Seemed well-organized. Put your bag inside another bag orange and hit a large sheet of paper with your race number. In the two vans had several boxes to go keeping the bags in a certain order. Look good. But I tell you, and ... Nacex has done some advertising, but far from good ...

Last visit to the bathroom, warm up and stretch a bit, I put the Forerunner RunKeeper and prepared the sketch mode, was the first time, still unsure how it works ... Cry out, because the organization had no gun or firecrackers, and come, run. And to suffer. Is not the same train of mountain race short for mountain. Are 9 km and it is tempting to think that you can go more or less strong for much of the race ... But then, seeing the slope ... I do not think that is the best option ...

started running, of course, going to know what this is. 500 meters fancy ramps to 11%, to be warming up. And I get to 170bpm. After 800 meters or less flat, the only of the whole race. I find it amazing that the option of Foreunner Journeys, an arrow on the clock is showing me the path and does not fail even once! After the first corners, delighted with the arrow on the Forerunner, a rise begins ongoing, inhumane, murderous, disproportionate criminal rompepiernas, amargacorazones, killer ... 2.6 kilometers per track more or less wide, rising an average gradient of 9.4% to complete the first four kilometers. The first three miles between 5:33 and 5:47, the fourth, after crowning the rise, at 6:42. Give us a bottle of water just before reaching the quarter mile in a small slide, I know glory. Water, not the slide ...

We have crossed the road and we get a very narrow track trial bike. 300 meters down a bit and going at times, a last Repechón murderer, only 200 meters, but 21% slope, and suddenly the Trialeras begins to drop sharply. Are 2 km and the negative slope is 9.5%, ahead of several runners who are not confident down the Cascadia do their job well, under very comfortable, 4:39 and 4:40 the sixth and seventh, fifth change at 5:44 so up and down. Regained some strength, rising left me plucked sharply down completely and a small ramp, ready to face the final two kilometers, which would be terrible ...

started to rise, and in the first few meters is noted that the legs have suffered and will cost to keep up. Google Earth altimetry tells me that the 8 mile is a steady rise to 14.8%. And the legs prove it. There were stretches where it was necessary to stop and walk. It was faster than running ... I suffer a lot, and if it's any consolation, nobody around me seems to be suffering the same or more ... I do that mile at 9:03. Atascadísimo ...

is a mile longer, it seems that the worst is over, but that last mile is also a tough hill ... Finishing a race with a last mile with a slope of 8.3% leaves a good taste ... I get to 6:40, and people get along in the park, on the flatter section, and crossed the goal when the Forerunner me 56:24 mark. The beats are average 171bpm, and I get to 183 at the end of the last climb ...

Yesterday I was looking at times last year did the first 27:46 to 4:05 pace. With that I made reference to the idea that race was not so hard ... But of course, had taken the calculator before, would have seen that going to run 4:05 for 6.8 miles is 27:46, not 9 as today. Obviously any reference rates or times of a career that did not seem to today could not be good, and could have advised that the route of this year was different.

Once across the goal gave us a goody bag, as always, some of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin this case a knife, a giant macaroni with red pesto sauce to make at home if you had given me the facts I would have eaten immediately ... Fruit and drink, and collection bags. Little tail, I think it's time, failing to see the official results. Curious as to time ... We ran without a chip, so a lady saw us coming, he said aloud our race number, and a man wrote it in a very strange keyboard, steampunk aspect (the keyboard, not the Lord). To see how the times after leaving ...

Well as I thought the keyboard when I stood in line to pick up the clothes, it was already something of a mess. Two vans without any indication. The tail is made in only one of them. A veces salía un corredor con bolsa, y a veces otro con cara de cabreado en dirección a la otra furgoneta. Comienza a escucharse que una furgoneta es para los números pares, y otra para los impares. Pero la de los pares no tiene todos los pares... Total, que en la de los pares un corredor empezaba a cabrearse porque su bolsa no aparecía. No daba la sensación de que hubieran usado ningún algoritmo inteligente para repartir las bolsas en las cajas según su numeración. Imagino la situación, a última hora llegó mucha gente cuando faltaba muy poco para empezar la carrera, mucha cola, empiezan a recoger las bolsas rápido, ya no da tiempo a ordenarlas, así que, lo típico, pues bueno, las metemos como sea y and we manage somehow. Total chaos when picking them up. While truck boy racer looking bag I fucking pissed mine, I give it a voice, "please, give me that which is mine," he reaches it and peaceful respite after all the chaos with my bag have appeared unharmed, with the Kindle inside ...

I walk around looking for the exit, I change clothes, and when I look at the queue to collect the bags and it was spectacular ... I do not imagine that there will be bundled with the bags, I doubt if I have to send or receive something important to do so with Nacex.

But he had not done all. Were little more than 10:00, the funicular opened at 10:30 and secure would have much tail to catch it. There was an alternative route leading to the exit point, part road part by trial bike track. So tuck the way to Avenida Tibidabo, with the quadriceps loaded, ending the Powerade and pounding I took a little longer in the fall trial bike ... I almost know glory re-tread the road with my Cascadia after so much earth and stones ... And it tasted like heaven to sit on the railways in the direction of home. Bonita

race hard, very hard and intense, short distance to want to be strong, but hard to let you ramp without feathers in no time. Too bad there is no direct public transport more and more sorry guardabolsas sevice yet, pending for many careers.

A couple of pictures to remember ...

More tomorrow. Dues are the Pujada to Peter, next door. I liked what the Pathways , I'll do the route in Google Earth and pass the Forerunner, mola. To see how I walk in strength, I would like to make a good race in my home, my family is waiting and Manu will also come with their own, not a question of being late and broken to eat the sausage in front of everyone ...

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council tax freeze, optimize resources and reduce subsidies and salaries and expenses of political representation are three of the proposals Citizens Union for Democracy (UCID) made in its election manifesto for Castalla.

In education, the party of Paqui Guill and Juan Antonio Rico made a request to the Conselleria to build a new school in the fast-track. In addition, commitment to the reorganization of the scholarships.

The construction of a new health center, with open parking, is the most outstanding promise in terms of improvements in the field of Health.

The Old Town is one of the pillars of the independent electoral program. To revitalize, present a comprehensive study of the historical center of the population and to action in the ruins that now exist in the area.

With respect to sport, culture and leisure, members of the bid, made up mostly of militants opposed to PP Castalla José Luis Prats, promise to extend the municipal gym and youth cultural center, create a interclubs new administrative office, optimize the Auditorium of the town and restructure the exhibition halls for various activities and classes music. They also want to develop programs of activities "to promote healthy recreation for the youth."

Among the proposed improvements related to the Environment and Rural Affairs, in UCID say Castalla and Onil connect with sidewalks and bike lanes. They also assert that the round end Foia, channeled the Rio Verde, fix the roads in poor condition, which will create an Office of Local Agricultural Council and work closely with local cooperatives.


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L'educació is a pilars dels Essencials program-PSOE's electoral PSPV Castalla. Therefore, if the City Council to govern the nomination led Maite Gimeno require the inclusion of a new public school for the town in developing the school map of Valencia. Also, ensure the "resettlement of displaced students" CEIP Rico-Sapena and collaborate with all stakeholders of education English.

The Socialists also want to achieve a greater balance between family and professional life, and therefore require more resources for the education of boys and girls from 0 to 3 years.

aware of what training is essential for the development of society, from the ranks of Socialists are committed to managing the implementation cycles of intermediate and higher level and enhance the learning of English among young castelluts.

also believe it necessary to drive new technologies in the formative stages. And work for a transportation-particularly in the case of university-which is in consonance "with the educational needs of students."

Video Documentary PSPV Castalla Government Programme 2011-2015

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Friday, May 20, 2011

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Alvaro Palma Monteagudo, number 3 of the candidacy of PSPV Castalla-PSOE in municipal elections has been the star of an interview at the University Valencia.

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" We have a commitment to economic recovery. " This is what ensures BLOCK-Castalla Commitment to the program proposed for the next electoral mandate in case of getting the mayor on Sunday. Get it started, according to training nationalist, to save $ 20,000 a month by reducing the wages they perceive as both the mayor of the city councilors. Some money, they say, invest in actions aimed at creating new jobs. The leading candidate

Juan Antonio Cerda, the Sobe , wants to reduce the number of unemployed, who currently lies in Castalla around 1000 - in 400. Contact businesses that need labor for unemployed workers, aid to or investing in the rehabilitation of housing, renewable energy, new technologies and rural tourism as new sources of employment are some of the proposals posed.

Moreover, considering that The shop has many small self-employed, the block wants to maintain and strengthen these jobs helping with the implementation of tax relief for local stores. The nationalist does

also a clear commitment to investment in innovation and training. Among his proposals include the promotion of industry and its connection with University courses and the creation of official languages \u200b\u200bto facilitate the internationalization of local companies.

Finally, continuing with its policy of reducing costs, they want to integrate in the Commonwealth of Castalla Alcoyano-County and renegotiate the cost of municipal services the concessionaires.

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Mothers and teachers of IES La Hoya of Ibi and high school students bring the same center stage King Astoret and envious of the Alcalà , two of the most famous tales of Enric Valor. Will next Saturday 21 May, from 18 hours in the Auditorium Castalla, within the framework of events organized to commemorate the centenary of the birth of the Valencian writer.

The organizers claim that "it is a good opportunity to accompany children, nephews, grandchildren and children generally to witness some stories appear on witches, kings, wizards and other characters that inhabit the wonderful stories that the writer was recovered from the popular imagination.

Admission is free to supplement the capacity of the hall.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

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Castalla held this weekend San Pascual Bailon. The commemorative events will begin Friday, May 20 at seven pm, with a parade through the different streets of the town to pace around the village. Later, at about ten o'clock, there will be huge bonfires and a traditional supper.

The festival continues on Saturday with more music by the group The Sogall . As to the Chapel San Pasqual of the locality, will be big pot of rice for lunch. By afternoon, at six, s'oficiarà mass.

Racing with prizes, a snack countryside for all attendees and the San Pasqual Trophy final ball of Valencia, the New Ratchet, put an end to the celebrations, possible thanks to support from the Department of the City Festival The Brotherhood of the municipality of San Pasqual and the group The Sogall .