Monday, May 16, 2011

Homemade Muay Thai Pads

wolf pairs Good news!

Yesterday's going to be one of the best races to remember in a long time, I know. Usual, until the day after are not usually aware that things were much better than it looked, even after the initial euphoria.

The first good news, albeit with reservations and doubts, is that when the ratings came out, my official time was 41:01, as well as Forerunner RunKeeper 41:15 mark on me. 14 seconds may not seem like a small difference by having pressed the button a little early or a little later, but then, in principle, the chip is as accurate, unless a problem for my computer or electronic chip has not been well measured in out ... Anyway, something strange about the time, for after the route that I marked as Forerunner to rubiTrack 41:15 in rubiTrack marked me 41:10. Something strange is, I insist ... And I'm afraid I suspect what is happening ... Zombies are acting ... Are altering the space / time when we run ... These alterations occur when our zombies and the cross from one parallel universe to another universe ... I fear that there is much activity in this type lately ... Something is happening ...

Another great news is that yes, as well you noticed by the comments I read, again enjoyed a race long ago that he did not. After suffering much in the marathon in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bI ran some 10K where I left it right after the break of three weeks. I continued to work in a direction that seemed right, it is difficult to change so many things, re-educate the tread, better control your breathing, learn to run with sore knees, back to point 8 regular morning for a few weeks out to train was a major sacrifice, not enjoyed so much, I had to change many habits, good rhythm did not arrive, I sank into the race, but yesterday I saw the first fruits of that effort and yes, I can not hide I enjoyed it big in the race. Whether I start to think seriously about attacking my 10K mark before August ...

One conclusion I draw is that it has been a huge success visit the physio who recommended my friend Rafa Maier. He understood that I want to run and saw what was happening in the knees. I said it clear, condropathy is not reversible, but Condren, taking care of the tread and especially to strengthen the quadriceps is made easier. From the day of the visit I have not done a single night quadriceps exercises. My little puppy if I do not have dinner on the table before making ... :) And I think it was a great success, and correct the position of my ball, I think those were the stronger quadriceps that helped me overcome the slopes of Nou Barris and full finish. Now beginning to think I needed muscles in the legs to finish the Barcelona marathon pace I wanted. Lesson learned.

With ratings in hand, I ended up also giving way to a curious theory that I have to measure how I have been a career ... Haha, that sounds like a macho nor effeminate ... :) But my theory is that when I get near the first woman I made the carrerón of my life, if I'm between the first and the second was a great race between the second and the third was not bad, and if I get behind the third is not me has left a good career ... For the record, that does not mean anything, much respect and appreciate even more what it means to go out and run 10 miles suffering from the beginning to the end, regardless of sex, color, religion, shoe size, brand name sportswear, sign Zodiac, or operating system ... It is simply a curious statistic that I've noticed reviewing the ratings. For example, yesterday I arrived after the first, in Sant Quirze that I did well but not behind the second, in Montmelo, I was wrong, after the third, and in Sant Antoni, which did not pull much, after the fifth ... And if I go back to other glorious careers in Sagrera 2010, my first sub 40:00, got only 6 seconds of the first, and in Montmelo 2010, also MMP but above 40:00, shortly after the second ... Curious, no?

The latest news of the day was good training today. Another success has been accustomed to leave the next day of a race to make a recovery shot. Today I went with this idea, early start, prepare and run. Returning to the idea that the muscles of the legs is an important factor, this morning I was surprised that no loaded legs or feeling tired as usual. I went soft, it was the plan, and the miles were going to slow progression and the beats below 140BPM Montcada direction ... 5:56, 5:41, 5:22, 5:19, and 5:07 we turn. For a spin and recovery is very good cruising speed ... But then it happened ... So long ... Guessed that would happen, but not so soon ... Six miles to the home now, 4:53. Tingling in hands and feet ... A feeling of mild swelling in the gum ... Seventh at 4:42 ... That is no longer recovery ... Empieza a ser un progresivo con sorpresa final... No quiero mirarme las manos... Me da miedo lo que puedo encontrarme... Ya no corro tan estirado... Mi cuerpo empieza a encorvarse... Octavo kilómetro... 4:31... Ya estamos a 160bpm... Las manos peludas me delatan, mi boca no puede ocultar los afilados colmillos, mis pies y mis manos ya no son manos y pies, son garras que golpean el suelo y me llevan casi volando mientras amanece en el Besós... Comienza el noveno kilómetro... Pese a la transformación de mi cuerpo, aún conservo mis sentidos intactos... Miro el Forerunner... Creo que voy a volver a acabar a 4:20... Pasan los metros... Un aullido... Parece que me pongo a 4:15... Pero la estructura digitígrada de mis extremidades me hace correr aún more ... I'm running to 4:10 ... I'm getting to the bridge ... 4:07 ... I'd never finish a workout and ... The Forerunner I will mark the ninth kilometer ... The transformation is already complete ... Tremble, zombies ... Isidro wolf is back ... 4:03 the ninth kilometer ... 250 meters at 4:04, regaining my normal appearance after the unexpected mutation ... I get home ... Nobody notices anything ...

will play again this week for specific training, nor am I talking about mini plan happen ... ;) I got into a little trouble on Saturday Pujada is the Tibidabo, rising 500 meters in 9 kilometers ... And when it was pointed out, I learn that Sunday is Dues are the Pujada to Pedres, Santa Coloma, through the Turo del Pollo and ending with sausage ... Will be a tough week and a weekend intensive ... Sure there will be news of zombie ... I have not yet clear how to address the training week, taking these two races this weekend. Seen how good I was last week, I will listen very carefully to any advice. Thanks!


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