Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bon Voyage Poem For Daughter

Chronicle of Nou Barris 10K

Whatever you say my friend Oscar , forecasters do not normally give, especially when it comes to predicting rain in Barcelona ... :) Yesterday, four drops fell, the little that fell Oscar hit him in the worst, but the provision that would continuously raining since yesterday at 16:00 noon today has been very little.

Yesterday I was doing to the idea of \u200b\u200brunning today, May 15, the day of San Isidro Programmer, with some rain, I took the umbrella and all, obviously not to run, but for the way,:), but instead we had a spectacular day, a scorching sun but a little wind, which along with four drops that fell yesterday, led to the temperature and atmosphere were perfect and the atmosphere was very clean.

Before starting to warm up the sun, the usual protocol for these races. Diana at 5:30 am, a good breakfast, compliance on item 8, and shortly after 7:00 am I go to meter. These races are a luxury, a metro card in his pocket, a bag to leave a clean shirt and trousers, and in half an hour I stand by the door of my house to the start of the race.

Something to mess with the delivery of the dorsal, a huge queue but fortunately a man went with ridges in hand, wondering who had from the number 900, I was one of them, so without really knowing what was warned from the Lord, gave me back and I prepare myself more time to warm up while the tail was its slow but steady progress ...

Yesterday I was looking at the profile of the race, pointing out to be total kamikaze downhill though a street wide enough, so I decided to try to put me near the exit to prevent accidents. Sure, if I put forward, which unless you go at a pace similar to that were with me ...

So after the kick, starts the race with a killer down. According to plan, I did not butt out, rather I got carried away, the mass of runners moved by Pi i Molist at high speed, and when I reached the first mile 3:38 marked the Forerunner ... Should review any race, especially Montmeló 2010, leaving too brutal downhill, but I think it's the first mile I ran faster than ever. Although the feeling was not going so fast ...

The second mile is almost all downhill, but ultimately begins the first subidilla of the race. As we go down the Forerunner is showing about 3:45, but when the slope begins to rise and costs more. Trying not to over tighten the bill and save some energy, I just to 3:52. I feel very full, good breathing and stride. These two kilometers are very wearable, but the real race has not started yet ...

Km 3, just started going up and down, the climb begins to fleece the runners, that do a 4:02 mile, still quite large.

And let the room, go down a little, flat stretch, and climb something. Final slope of zero meters. Mile at 4:01, still whole and with forces prepared for the second climb, the first series after the appetizer before. Fifth

kilometer. I knew the climb would be consistent and long but not very intense. Is a slope of 2.1% over a kilometer. Obviously I can not keep pace, the goal is not to sink, had in mind to do to 4:20 would be a good time, and just at 4:21.

We have been mid-career, step 5 seconds km above the 20:00, but below 20:30. Numbers do not go, because I marked the rhythms are for the distance Forerunner GPS who arrived 5 kilometer was higher than in reality. So the partial sum for each mile of the Forerunner I get less time than it actually was wearing when I passed the 5 mile officer.

The fifth mile I did it with strength, good feelings, but had not yet finished the second climb. There is a slight decrease and then attack the second part of the slope, with steeper slope, we arrive at 5.50 up almost 3%, and from that point we started to descend. Km 6, including bells and whistles, I get to 4:11, and I leave something plucked rise ...

Refreshment was around mile 6, I think a few meters ahead. And the anger that I gotcha was small ... We were very stretched, there were four tables with glasses of water or Aquarius, do not know, you can imagine that something happened if I can not tell which contained ... :) There was plenty of time for volunteers on a glass to each runner, and for brokers cogieran his glass and left the following for coming back. In the first table is not lame at all, carrying a front runner who picked up his glass and then very politely turned away. Well then, is that later led to a cenutrio she took a glass of the second table and it fell to the ground. We got to the third type reaches out and pulls the glass from the hand to the distributing. And of course, in the fourth, and the system of distributing the cups one by one, impractical if you have a clumsy front, I ran out of water. At least, the Ducks came back to drop the glass, and I was not the only one left without drinking ... Fortunately the weather was good and I did not miss the water, but a drink maybe I could have used. I hit a scream saying "and you better!" or something like fifteen anger and mini rush of adrenaline, which in the end I think until I was good and everything ...

A break in the seventh, went down for 300 meters and then sores to a flat stretch. We must recover a bit for it soon will start the fun. I run a 4:00. There could be more tightly but perhaps there would have finished the race. I was tempted, I think more than one occasion I made that mistake, but today I went sensitized to run a little over head.

are still three miles and is the most fucked up, pardon.

The eighth began with 300 meter sprint, and then we start the final climb to the murders, first from the Paseo de Valldaura, the climb starts very hard and then softens a little. We arrived at the Plaza Llucmajor when about to be fulfilled the eighth mile, we started to climb up Via Julia, those thousand meters the place at 4:30, usually on the slopes I sink again, but this time managed to maintain a decent pace my chances ... We already

the ninth, the Forerunner tells me that the mark may be good taking into account the profile, I have 700 meters up and I still have almost a kilometer to climb. But I feel good, I go with force, usually in these soil slopes lose many positions, but this time, I think I dosed a little better, obviously I'm not as loose as if it was flat, but I can not hardly believe I keep passing runners. The Via Julia makes me hard, but seeing that I recovered many positions close I do not want it to be ... :) We turn to get to the Ronda de Dalt, a last Repechón to make a U-turn, what I come up with much force, curve left behind a little group of 5 or 6 riders, and now everything is down. A few meters downhill, and complete the ninth, 4:28 Forerunner tells me, great, I could keep pace on the climb and I have not sunk in half.

And now, banzaaaaaaaai, downhill, and there are very few feathers but the moral high goes, I think it's the first time the recovery position with just two kilometers and also on the rise, but also on the way down and I launched I'm going runners. A long stretch of negative slope, a treat at this stage of career, a ramp near Valldaura last and the last mile to stop, the Forerunner 3:50 says I obviously do not recover lost the climb, and sprint out, the Forerunner 80 meters mark me who came out to 3:22, again hallucinating, had never finished a race at that pace, but still downhill is easier ...

stopped the clock in 41:15, far from my mark, but I think very close to my best. This is my fifth best mark in 10K, and by far the best in a profile that is not flat. He has gone far better than other recent 10K with a much smoother profile, I've been able to dose and I finished strong. The official rankings are reluctant to leave, so I'll leave tomorrow I want to do an experiment and may be a good way to measure my performance ... :)


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