Sunday, May 22, 2011

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• The leading candidate Jose Luis Prats has been the most votes, with 43.55% of the vote, and get 8 Councillors

· It could govern in the minority, or agree with any of the other local parties to build a strong government

· PSPV-PSOE (5), BLOC-Compromís per Castalla (2) and UCID (2) would amount to a tripartite agreement

Castalla People's Party has come to be the most voted in Castlebar on the occasion of the municipal elections this Sunday, May 22. The leading candidate Jose Luis Prats has obtained 2,409 votes, representing a 43.55% of the total. However, this figure translates into 8 council members, one fewer than needed to validate the absolute majority it had in the previous legislature.

The PSPV-PSOE, Maite Gimeno the front, has managed 1,437 votes (a 25.98%) and add 5 aldermen.

The BLOC-Compromís per Castalla, with 798 votes (14.43% a) maintains its two representatives.

The question of the day, Citizens Union for Democracy (UCID), the independent party formed by militants PP has managed two other councilmen, and what is the same, 798 votes (13%%).

This fragmentation opens a range of possible agreements between different parties local. In the coming days we will know if the PP chooses to govern in minority , if it reaches an agreement-specific or permanently, with another formation of the opposition to form a stronger government . The other option, a priori less likely, is that the PSOE, BLOC and UCID get together and form a tripartite Prats unseat the mayoral .

Participation has exceeded 75%. 2.87% of the votes cast and white were 3.37%, null.

This year, in Castlebar could exercise their right to vote in a total of 7,625 local people, who had to choose to 17 councilors, four more than in 2007. Les

13 polling stations of the population have been established early in the morning without incident.



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