Thursday, May 12, 2011

Does Vit C Reduce Cataracts

Following the wise counsel following good advice

preparing a mini plan to run a 10K on Sunday, and two pieces of crack as Rafa González davidp3 and give you some tips for tuning and ask how to run is a real luxury not to be missed.

Today I listened to the athlete "rattle" rotate, and change those series in costs you had in mind for a series on the flat, 5x1000, with 4:15 goal pace, and recovering at a trot. And I think it was a wise decision, I hope I have been a good pupil ... :)

Series in the river Besos have a problem, which is the terrible wind that makes the time that I go to train towards the sea - mountain. Experience tells me that I more or less steals about 10 seconds per mile when I have it against. And today seems to fit the times I've done.

At 5:50 I was starting to run with a coffee and two chocolate biscuits in the stomach. Just over 2 miles warming up, down to the river, and start with the first series of 1000 meters. Immediately I notice a desire to run. The first, at that hour of the morning, always difficult, but I get at 4:14, interesting.

The last time I recovered morning series 1 minute between sets foot. The advice for today was to do it at a trot. I think between that and the first I went a little too launched the second series left me not so good 4:33 into the wind. 15 days ago I made at 4:18 and 4:24 respectively. But I went down to the final. The plan for today was to keep up and get stronger to last ... Rerun

downwind, trying to nail the 4:15 target, and run the 1000 meters in just 4:15. It is the third, the body responds better, higher pulse, at the height of good series. Already

past Ecuador, note that recovery costs more to trot to walk, but as I have been to stop also noted that there is still gasoline and can be walked a little further. So let's for a fourth.

I do it in 4:27, I scratch a few seconds into the second, with a headwind. It is the penultimate, happy to have improved the pace, with the wind chill I think I'm more or less on target pace, and best, I notice that I still have enough strength.

And I think in the last pot I lose ...

legs move faster than the previous four, the body is awake and responds much better, regular breathing, longer stride, I notice many wanted to run, do not look the Forerunner, get about half of the section, look at the pace, now, and that magic number so seldom see, but I like so much is seen on screen ... A three before the two dots ... I'm running to 3:57 ... I thought I was on the 4:15 goal was not pushing hard, I quickly ran not so comfortable, I keep asking me to pace the body, then maybe I was wrong and should be regulated and respected goal pace before, but I was running so comfortable ...

I keep the same pace, looking askance at the Forerunner, the pace varies a bit, 3:56, 3:57, I'm fine, I start thinking and I think night had never come down from 3:57, the series is over, I had never happened before, do not want it to be, I want those last 1000 meters, it sounds the countdown, I look again, 3:55, and so the last series. Media

back, 1 minute at a trot, I feel whole as I'm not dead end when I series, 1300 feet to get home at 5:20, and one day I won a good breakfast ... :)

This training makes me think ... At this time, my best thousand meters in the series did a 3:57, with recovery between sets foot. And today I am breaking the last to 3:55, after leading at 4000 meters stop above and recovering at a trot, a 6-odd km. Just Rafa told me that to lose 40:00 in a 10,000 must go through the 5 km less than 20:30. The two times I got it, I spent at 19:46 (Sagrera) and 19:49 (NASS). That is, in the second half, lost time over the first. And today I saw that coming calmer, I get much more full after the training, even doing my MMPMMPM (personal best Morning thousand feet). So it takes more weight to the idea of \u200b\u200blearning in a regular 10K, leaving a bit conservative, attacking at the end and leave aside the tactical Kenya (butt out, run everything you can, and finish fuck out). We prove ...


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