Thursday, May 19, 2011

Circuit Diagram For Charger For 24 V Battery

soft Today, the weekend to make the goat. Series

Today, prevented left home. The usual time, still night, and the threat of a full moon and its terrible consequences ... He played a very soft shooting, checking the pulse, to rest up tomorrow and Saturday and Sunday Tibidabo to Turo del Pollo. I sense that no two races are any ... On Sunday, many runners will pass through the sanctuary TurĂ³ Zombie Chicken. And end up with sausages. I am convinced that zombies infiltrate between race organizers and the sausages used to exercise control over the corridors. And on Saturday at the Tibidabo I sense that something could happen. Zombies tend to be strong in mountains and hills. And I fear that the Tibidabo is no exception. For all this, I get rested for the weekend to face the two races in good shape.

Thinking about what awaits me this weekend, this morning I started running towards Montcada, the moon was hidden behind a thick layer of clouds, the rhythm and beats that I took from the start was very smooth, and fortunately That did not wake the wolf isidro. Was 9.24 miles at an average pace of 5:25, and the pulse without exceeding 147bpm and an average of 137. Mission accomplished, I felt like running, recovering yesterday's effort, starting now to think of the Sabbath.

I was also thinking on the zombies. Everything is happening too fast. I do not understand everything that happens but I'm starting to piece things together. Zombies tend to contact me via the iPhone. Are able to manipulate my playlists to sound the song of Altered Beast when they want to convey some message. And once I saw through the iPhone's GPS, which took me to their parallel universe where I sent a disturbing message on my mission with the zombies of Toluca. So I think that the brains of zombies, who organizes his acts, who decides who to contact, should be someone who is very familiar with Apple iPhones.

Speaking of Apple, each I am increasingly concerned about Steve Jobs. No longer appears in the media, and the last times I saw it, was quite deteriorated, so thin and pale, as if he had a balanced diet, you should eat more fruits, vegetables and fish, had no appearance of a balanced diet. Takes too many days disappeared from the media, I do not know what he's got.

'll keep wondering who is the intellectual leader of the zombies to see if you find out ...


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