Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Shingles On Your Head

The Department of HERITAGE STONE and graffiti organizes workshops for children from 4 to 9

• The 2nd edition of Be archaeologist for a day Castle Castalla be held next June 18

The Department of Heritage City Council has prepared for the June 18 second editing Be archaeologist for a day. The initiative, which aims to inform about some techniques of our ancestors, is aimed at boys and girls between 4 and 9 years and will be held at the castle.

The children who join can feel, for a while, as true investigators. This year, two free workshops are offered: one, to work stone and the other to perform original graffiti. The first will be from 18 to 19 hours and the second from 19:15 to 20:15 hours.

Those interested in participating in one of these courses must register by phone (669 743 440 Juan Antonio) or email ( patrimoniocultural@castalla.org ). Both should indicate the names of boys and girls participating, age, work registration and contact telephone number. The maximum number of participants is 30 per shift. In addition, minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Last year, workshops and archaeological ceramics were very successful participation .



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