Sunday, May 8, 2011

Milena Velba Askjolene

Chronicle of Sant Quirze

I've been more than two years running fun runs, and some and I'm running a third time. First was the El Corte Ingles, emblematic as they come but too popular and now had to run for a third time Sant Quirze 10K.

do not think I miss it in the coming years if not for a force majeure. The race is ideal for running, suffer a little blow at times, is far less crowded, and the final sausage is exceptional. It runs at 9:00 am, a good time, yet it gets hot, but it is also the last three editions have made a perfect temperature, cloudy day, about 15 degrees, ideal for running, and has even gone a little sun when the cigarette. I recommend it to everyone.

Today we were going to be four but ultimately cowardly Manu and I just went. The race will be run soon, but fortunately is Sant Quirze far away, so at 7:40 we were heading for the grade. We arrived in time to pick up the dorsal and the chip, which is not the usual yellow, orange Cronochip but one, thus hassle of putting it in and return before and after the race. I do not know what are the advantages of this chip, the fact is that at 14:23 there is still no published results ...

circuit and remembered, but this year have changed slightly. But it sums up very easily. Two laps. Start a mile up and down. Then down a bit to gain momentum and the first rise murderous attack just in km 2. Lowered at full speed in the third part of the fourth mile. The fourth, ascent and descent, fifty-fifty. And a good climb to start the fifth mile, and then just slides on the rise. Of course, not be boring.

But there was more than the profile, good weather, the brand ... Yes, zombies ... On Thursday, the zombies of the Holy Spirit and I were contacted me to warn about Sant Quirze. You know that the zombies of the Holy Spirit and Chicken Turó have contacted me several times, still do not understand at all what they expect from me, but I've done what I have called the best I could. What I did in the Toluca Lake was hard but it was necessary ... After seeing the end of the third season of Fringe, I start to fear that the case of zombies in two parallel universes, and I ended up in the middle of a terrible struggle interdimensional. Therefore I must remain vigilant ... I

attentive to reach Sant Quirze and did not notice anything. Nor warming. I do not remember the race pass by any cemetery or hill, normal places of these creatures ... I kept watching, in order, the grandparents of Casal d'Avis preparing the sausages, the organization handing out bibs and chips, runners warming up ... All normal ... Thinking

zombies started the race. This race is not to make brand but it is interesting to measure fitness. It can run on the downhills, increases are not extremely hard but long, so you need to know regular and run a bit, otherwise you can lose if we are eons at a slow pace. And if you want soup, then two cups in the form of two rounds.

I started to win, the first mile, up and down to 3:53. First ascent killer, still fresh, at 4:14, and the subsequent fall, wanting to 3:50. While the first three miles, I felt strong, and faced the room with the momentum of falling and rising with desire, finishing at 4:18. And the fifth, a very stiff climb and slides, the increase was choking me a little, and completeness in 4:33.

And the second half, much worse than the first. Same script, but worst pace especially on the climbs. 4:35 and 4:36 the sixth and seventh, suffering in the back, 3:58 in the fall of the eighth, 4:28 in the hardest part of the ninth and tenth at 4:28 also, improving the fifth, that I liked it. Last meters Forerunner gift to 3:37, trying to sprint a little, but not force, it was not for day to mark or annoyed by the gross ... :) Ultimately, 43:07, a few seconds worse than last year. Last year was one of my best moments so this year I am recovering slowly, comparatively, I have improved a lot compared to Nike / Bombers and Montmeló, which this year ended up much worse than before, so happy.

Road to the sausage I found Zarzu Karlos, do crack, 40:00 lowered comfortably, probably for training the previous day who told me that it took until late at night ... ;)

And after exercise, to enjoy the prize. The grandparents had been carefully preparing the sausages that we would taste all the runners. It is commendable to see them ...

One would not have 60 or 70, may have more than a thousand years old and perfectly preserved. Their eyes reflected a curious blend of experience, wisdom, but in turn looked young and cheerful ... It les veía con mucha alegría de vivir, como si no tuvieran miedo a la muerte... Me sorprendió que sus ropas parecían quizá algo haraposas... Alguno parecía que había tenido una lesión, me pareció ver que tenía el codo algo fuera de sitio, al principio incluso me pareció que le faltaba un brazo pero imagino que fue un efecto óptico... Nos sirvieron la butifarra, deliciosa, no supe identificar de qué era la carne, la textura era algo diferente, pero estaba riquísima. Cada vez que mordíamos la butifarra los abuelos nos miraban con satisfacción, como si la misión más importante de sus vidas fuese que los corredores mordiéramos esa pieza de carne, qué tiernos y abnegados...

And no, I did not notice anything related to zombies ...


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