Saturday, May 21, 2011

5 Days Before Perod Lots Of Cm


During municipal election campaign in the bar Castalla Ca Llauro have an original initiative. A group of customers were a few days ago, during one of his pleasant dinners, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a political club to see who will be the next mayor the locality.

The goal was for all citizens to bet on an election result. the modest price of two euros. At the same time, collaborate in a good cause, because half of the donations will cover the Association of Friends and Relatives of Patients with Alzheimer's Castalla and region.

According to Jose Antonio Guill, responsible for setting, the initiative has been very well received. "We decided to carry out this initiative to give a lighthearted touch to the policy of our town," he says.

This Sunday we will know who the winner of the club and also the mayor of Castalla for the next four years.


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