Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Toyota Prado Sport Edition

Series Mini 10K with subidillas

Hace tiempo que tenía en mente la Cursa Nou Barris, una 10K urbana, a la que se puede ir en Metro, se corre pronto, a las 9:00am y además no pasa por el Paralelo...

Pensaba que era el 29 de mayo, pero mirando bien el calendario resulta que es el 15, este domingo que viene. Tratándose de una carrera a la que puedo ir sin problemas y me permite estar de vuelta en casa de sobra a las 11:00, es una buena oportunidad para hacer un experimento...

No parece una carrera para hacer marca. Hay un par de subidas, no muy pronunciadas, pero subidas al fin y al cabo. Las dos veces que he podido bajar los 40:00 han sido en carreras muy flat, especially the San Silvestre, perhaps not the Sagrera. Nou Barris there are not too steep slopes, around 2%, but long, 1.5 miles each of the two major climbs, one kilometer from 4.3 to 5.8, and the other 7.4 km from practically until 9.

The idea I have is running once and for all a 10K level than regulating the pace a bit, especially on the climbs. Sant Quirze In the second half was much worse than the first, I got busted at mile 5 and I could not go fast or down. Nou Barris is a circuit of two equal halves, but it is a good chance to try regular both increases and save some energy to recover well on the downhills. At least, I'll try. If I do well to reach the final climb out insurance where there are no forces to make a good rhythm, and if I survive and come to the last mile of the entire fall can be spectacular dive ... You have to believe it, right? :)

And thinking about running on Sunday, I rethought a little training week after Sant Quirze. On Monday I did not miss the shot of recovery, I feel great. Therefore, today I really wanted to run. I was thinking to rest Tuesday and then run Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. But as the run on Monday, I feel so good, I preferred to leave today to make a progressive, rest tomorrow, and then run Thursday and Friday and rest on Saturday. On Thursday I will do a series on costs ... Beside the old hospital ... Gulp ... And Friday will go out to do a shoot in progressive trying to finish strong. Sound good? :)

today's progress in the last line, perhaps enhancing the beats socks, which were of 146bpm, at an average pace of 5:10, penalized a lot for the first mile that left at 6:21, I I took it very calmly, watching as if there was any presence warmed zombie, which fortunately did not happen. The 10 segments of the I ran 6:21, 5:32, 5:26, 5:12, 5:07, 4:56, 4:48, 4:40, 4:32, and 4:44 the last mile, loitering close to home. Yesterday


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