Monday, May 9, 2011

Recurring Deposit Formula Example

plan Retrieving and thinking of zombies

a shiver ran down my back as I read your comments ... I had not noticed when it happened even when I wrote ... But Oscar Rodriguez, who knows the history of zombies for months, he realized ...

Now it all fits together ... Sant Quirze, zombies were preparing the sausages ... So I watched the grandpas so cheerful, with that air of youth that only gives immortality, so they were so happy when we ate the sausages ... I fear that those sausages that give us some races, I do not think what meat are made, are part of the plan of the zombies alternate universe to try to stop us, the runners, the only ones who can cope ...

Today the signs were clear. I went to training this morning, the idea was to make a recovery roll Sant Quirze. Usual ritual. Legs somewhat loaded, but had to leave, I'm enjoying it out the day after a race to do about 10 miles easy pace pulses low and leaves you as new. I tried out

Montcada direction to see if everything was in order in the hills around my area of \u200b\u200btraining ... The Chicken and Turo Turo de Montcada had a look sinister ... It was the first time I saw him, and now I'm starting to understand too ... The day was sunny, summer is approaching and it's almost dawn ... But the tops of all the surrounding hills were covered by a thick fog ... That's what happens when the zombies come out to deliberate after something occurred ... The mist protects them and keeps them hidden ... And it is clear that left to deliberate because something happened Quirze Sant ... They know that we have discovered, and we know their plan to dominate us sausages based on courses. And I think they're preparing something ...

some research I have discovered why they are so active. The Chicken Zombies TurĂ³ and the Holy Spirit are moving zombies with Turo de Montcada, alerted by the tunnel due to be built where they once lived peacefully ... Still do not know why ... I discover ...

As I thought about that, I completed a very smooth workout, 9.24 miles at an average pace of 5:22, in progression, 141bpm average heart rate, ideal for back legs.


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