Thursday, May 5, 2011

How Long For Metranitizole To Work

10K Zombies have returned to contact me

This morning I wanted to prove in a series on hills, on a circuit I know and with an identical training I did for almost three weeks. By repeating the same route and same time, whatever came out today could be a good reference to see if they physically had improved in recent weeks ... In addition, reference was times I did in the last 6 killer climbs around the old hospital of the Holy Spirit, which were 3:08, 3:05, 3:04, 2:59, 2:51 and 2:40 The latter, the best he had done so far up these ramps.

With all this in mind, I went out to sea to take the road leading to the hospital. The good part of the training was to be the six rises 500 meters with an average gradient of 5%, so until I stood at the start of the climb, I was at an easy pace of 5:48, including the rise prior river to the hospital.

And let the first! Stride a bit short, but intense deep breath, steady pace, I'm reaching the highest point of the route, 2:53 the first climb, very well under 3:00, Lap pulse, and at that time ... Just just the song that was playing ... And just beside the old hospital, where I noticed the presence of the first zombies, the iPhone starts playing the song of Altered Beast ... Zombies had already contacted me before that. Through the iPhone I have sent several messages, especially when it sounds this song. As not speak our language, and piercing screams and sounds hollow rotten members hitting the ground, I could hardly distinguish a single word ...

Sant Quirze ... Butifarra ... No. .. Butifarra ... Runners ... Sant Quirze ...

I was shocked, I can not deny it. Do not expect ... The song lasted all the way down, taking the pulse, and the messages continued constantly repeated ...

Sausage ... Sant Quirze ... Careful ... Butifarra ... Runners ...

had just been the downhill, I approached the start of the second climb, the voices were feeling increasingly distant, almost imperceptible ... The usual chills and sweats when I feel these messages were also disappearing ... And I started the second climb still somewhat restless, but without feeling the presence of the zombies and their messages via the iPhone ...

still a bit dazed, I attack the second climb. 2:51. Improved a couple of seconds. I get afraid that zombies want to contact me again ... But not ... All quiet.

Now for the third. I can hardly improve the pace, and I leave at 2:50. Well, for three weeks until The fifth series is not got the time. The time is not bad, but I lack progression.

I have three, I will not sink into the penultimate and end up bankrupt, as it happened the day of 6x1000. Perhaps that, unconsciously, I conditions and the fourth does not go very well, I climb the hill in 2:55, 4 seconds comparatively better than three weeks ago, but follow it progression.

Maybe that's why I came to the fifth also somewhat cooler. Three weeks ago I did the last at 2:40. That is the reference. Let's see if I can get close to that time in the fifth and improve a bit in the sixth. Start running at a pace more lively, slightly longer stride, breathing rápida, intento no relajarme en un tramo con algo menos de pendiente, último giro, el hospital está a la vista, 2:40 era el tiempo de la mejor serie que he hecho en el Espíritu Santo, aprieto los dientes, frunzo el ceño, braceo más fuerte, intento no desfondarme que queda una más, el Forerunner me marca el Lap... 2:33... ¡¡¡Sí!!! Le meto siete segundos a mi mejor parcial en ese tramo, y veo que puedo apretar un poco más, no llego desplumado del todo... Así que empieza la bajada con ganas de afrontar la última subida...

Ahora sí, la última. Zancada más larga, ritmo un poco más vivo, pisando con ganas, respiración acompasada, veo que voy bien, I notice that could go slightly faster than the last, begin to suffer, and it is not clenching jaw dislocated but, I closed the eyes of the effort, the arm movement is not enough, also pitching, last turn, there is the hospital, I know that zombies are watching me, last effort, last steps, hit the end ... 2:23 ... Take! Yes ... I reach up and I have to stop, I can not walk, catch your breath, begin to walk under a few meters, it jogging, and begin the descent on the way home, very pleased with the training ... 2.5 km at 5:40, shower and breakfast before I go undeserved work with my computer today, missing the Spectrum, Amstrad and MSX I see how good memories bring us a lot, what a joy to read in your comments. Sorry for the ZX81, not what I got to taste ... I only saw him in pictures ... :)

I left the thorn in the fourth series in which I was perhaps too conservative. But the end was glorious. If you regulate think I can return to make good careers with a profile that is not so plain. We'll see on Sunday ... Even on Sunday I think I'll go a little worried Quirze Sant ... The zombies had long without communicating with me, and it seems that the closeness of this race has made them back in touch ... I do not know if I expected something dangerous ... I did not notice anything in the two previous editions in which I participated ... But the message clearly referred to Sant Quirze ... Mentioned the sausage ... And I think I warned of something, something that was not related just me ... Repeated several times the word runner ... What I have wanted to say ...


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