Sunday, May 1, 2011

I Want To Create My Kavithai

Teià - Santa Coloma in the mountains

Yes, the call of mountain is being irresistible ...

I have yet to visit my friends in the Garraf to meet some beautiful mountain route through the area. And he had pending Masnou - Santa Coloma or vice versa are also in the mountains. He was already moving both issues and the day today was not the most suitable, because the family had food, but the tempting offer from the Masnou Manu was to begin and end in Santa Coloma, so I'd be home in plenty of time. You pointed Xavi and Toni, so I decided to rest yesterday and today we did the first Coloma-Masnouenca by Serralada , somewhat uneven but intense and fun.

Since the route promised to be tough, I got able soon for breakfast, sandwich, juice, three chocolate biscuits and coffee. I recently found a famous phrase "coffee and cigarettes, clay doll." In my case, but does not rhyme, were coffee and cookies, and about 8 to exit the house light.

As the plan was to start in Masnou and then come home quickly, and girt went towards the metro. My T-Barcelona marathon, webs, three bottles of Aquarius on the belt, a pair of gels, metro card, 2 euros for the train, and house keys, did not need anything more, ah, yes, Cascadia ... :)

Manu I came home early, so I won a coffee before leaving. Manu also thought it was a good time to look jersey marathon ... Monica drove us to the starting point, a short distance, close to where they live Toni and Xavi. Toni came around, the man with the black shirt with a black shirt ... :) And few minutes later Xavi, perfectly synchronized, proud of his shirt of the marathon. The four marathoners are cowards took a photo before leaving and after a few uphill stretches were aimed ...

the first kilometers of the route already knew ... Last week I did with Manu, a ramp between 5% and 8% for wide track, with somewhat irregular terrain as they hatch. Easy pace, lively conversation, three kilometrillos up and turn left toward Santa Coloma, we have nothing yet ... :)

to kilometer 10 we went up and down, admiring the views of Masnou and Montgat next to the sea and the various hills and other geographical developments in the area. 5:30 rhythms downhill and a little more than 7:00 on the rise. The climate unsurpassed, ideal temperature, about 14 degrees, cloudy, some moisture, perfect for running, not to mention the hydration and a first gel.

last few miles of ascent, and 12.5 km more or less change our destiny ... We passed through a water tank and pylon, as I pass when I get home from Turo del Pollo. We must be near Turo. Although it does not sound like much in the area. Normal, with the disaster that I am orienting and recognizing the places ... The group was a little tired and decided not to raise the Turo, but start and falling to Santa Coloma. Although Turó Chicken is not in sight, you walk around, we're next door, turning down towards the river, will end soon, about 6 or 7 miles and we'll be home, we thought we would do about 19 miles but end seems to be less.

We started off all right, road conditions, but to reach another pylon the road just disappears. Since we were on the kilometer 14, we saw a sort of narrow path leading down towards the river and throw around. I doubt anyone has been treading this path for some time. Either that, or piecework and spiders have been weaving webs all I ate during the descent while his way ... The descent was just crazy. Within 400 meters of trail the gap was about 140 meters. That's not a slope, is almost a cliff ... :) The Cascadia saved me more than a fall, I'm sure. The trail led to stop a wider track when we were up to a quarry. Already saw the river, but I was not familiar the area ... We began to fear that we were farther away from Santa Coloma than we thought ... We

track, turn towards the sea, as the river, and came to the dreaded Rock Road. The cross, still a while to find a step toward the river, and wisely we go back a few yards when we leave behind us a person from the side facing the River. And yes, just a few feet back, you could access the channel of Besós no problem. Although we agreed to part of the river that had never seen. So it was obvious that we farther north than we thought ... Both

we were within two kilometers of the point where I turn when I run into Montcada ... We had 17 kilometers, and appeared in the river, but a few feet away from the last tributary of kisses ... :)

There were two miles to reach the bridge Montcada, and four and a half to get home. So the math was simple ... After the killer hills and downs, we still had four miles to finish. And Manu, Xavi and Toni thought lengthen the run a few miles to reach San Adrián station and there take the train to Masnou ...

But the harsh reality Manu convinced Monica to call and ask Him to look at car ... :) We completed the last 6 miles and a half more than 5:30, with legs and aching, wondering how milk had appeared there when we were on the side of the chicken and we Turó Santa Coloma a stone's throw ...

ever stopped to remove stones from their shoes and drinking water in a fountain ... And almost two hours after leaving, 23.43 miles later, we concluded the day's training with the firm decision to record the next time the route on the iPhone and the Forerunners, but proud of our small feat of the day , as seen on our faces at the end ... :)

Once home, the mystery was solved. The water tank and pylon from which Manu and I were talking when were planning the last leg of the route, just were not the same tower and the same deposit. Moreover, they were about two miles away in the southeast ... : D

legs warm, terrible hunger to get home, excessive intake of isotonic drink and rest. I really enjoyed the route. The repeated assurances, including gourmet-ended. And investigated how putting a path in the Forerunner to follow faithfully ... :)


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