Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Is There A Free Ps2 Hd Loader


Veïns Per Friends of the Centre Històric i Castalla

L'Association of Friends of the Centre Històric i Veïns vol Castalla aconseguir try a compromis d'actuació per part dels diferents local parties in this area of \u200b\u200btown . So this Thursday, May 19, will meet with representatives of the PP, PSOE, and BLOCK Ucides intended to unify positions before local elections on Sunday. The purpose of the meeting is that whatever the result, the revitalization of the Historic Centre please follow a few steps agreed .

The document you're working on it, was presented to the different political parties last week and has been drafted on the advice of specialists. Pending a final version, 5 are the foundations on which the agreement is substenta:

1. The political and social consensus.
2. Creating an office of HCC.
3. The realization and implementation of a Special Plan.
4. Research agreements with higher authorities.
5. A wide participation so that any person or organization that wishes, can feel part and contribute in this process.

The entity expects that this agreement serves as a starting point for a project that has excited the people and integrate Castalla in the revitalization of the most important part of the village, his heart. The soul of a people is its historic center.


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