Friday, May 13, 2011

Cervix Low Sign Of Pregnancy

Following the wise advice of the post May 10, the latter did not suffer incident which everyone talks today after the series yesterday, today I took a very gentle training, Therefore, they have trained only once unless average strokes today, August 3 to be exact, in full week of recovery from my training plan for marathon Mediterrani ...

The plan for today was 40 minutes running very smooth, so that the body is like running, that tomorrow the mono grow even more and go to Sunday eager to run fast. So I did, three minutes before I started at 6:00 am running in the direction of Montcada, at rates of 6:20, 5:45, 5:40, 5:28, around, 5:08, 5:09, do not pack, 5:24 and 5:58. He gave much of himself out of today, except for the beats, 135bpm average, exceptionally low, but of course, the effort was minimal.

As I was running for time rather than distance, I had to calculate the perfect time to turn around. Also following the idea of \u200b\u200bRafa, I chose to go around carrying something after running 20:30, mentally playing with the rhythms to see if I lived in those 40 minutes or if I did a little before the end, I came home after 39 minutes and 39 seconds, would be a harbinger jejeje if you think that is the mark that I can do 10K on Sunday if just the top 5 in just over 20:30, but unfortunately, the relationship between the duration of training today and what happens on Sunday is the same that have the bacon and speed ... :)

Carles also told me that I Andara eye to these mini plans that each time we talk more. In my case, there is a plan to do it in three days I have not done in three months, is a way of targeting workouts a week, to try to get to race day a little more ready to try a different tack , an experiment to see if I notice an improvement and perhaps more time to apply serious and longer, but I consider myself to stop in three days to improve my 10k mark, now is not my goal. But if Sunday comes a beautiful career, maybe start thinking about my brand attack after the summer. Be


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