Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chicco Baby Walker Parts

Dues Chronicle Pujada 2011 Tibidabo

My legs ... If I had to write a chronicle of the race in two words, those would be, my legs. Right now they are warm, I have ice on the knee, I devoured a protein bar and Aquarius have swallowed in large quantities, and I keep thinking that tomorrow I pointed to another Pujada , visiting Chicken Turó included ...

Yesterday I was reviewing the profile of the test. I was a little scared because they gave many indications in the web of proof on the tour, explained that there would be signs of chalk on the floor, only committed on the crossings, and that the local police would be present at the time of crossing road. I thought I could lose myself, I went on a mountain race last year, so using Google Maps, Google Earth and a couple of little programs I managed to keep the road in my Forerunner and sample the option Pathways that had not used so far. At the last minute I was tempted to take a road trip in the pocket, I got to print it and everything but finally gave me time running out, quickly left the house and the road remained in the printer ... Ritual

classic morning diana at 5:30, breakfast, Section 8, and put into practice the tactics of a nap before leaving, I sense of wonder. I expected a good ride on the Metro to Avenida Tibidabo, so I took my Kindle and I read Born to run, that has me completely hooked. I recommend it, is a book that a couple of years ago I would not have attracted and would hardly have understood, but now, relatively speaking, I feel something of complicity with friends Tarahumara ... :)

Between Page and I stood on Avenida Tibidabo, and once there was still a good walk to the exit. Few people, minimal but proper organization, delivery of numbers for those not picked it up yesterday, four toilets, sufficient for the time you arrived, and a bag collection service then we would deliver in the Tibidabo Amusement Park. Seemed well-organized. Put your bag inside another bag orange and hit a large sheet of paper with your race number. In the two vans had several boxes to go keeping the bags in a certain order. Look good. But I tell you, and ... Nacex has done some advertising, but far from good ...

Last visit to the bathroom, warm up and stretch a bit, I put the Forerunner RunKeeper and prepared the sketch mode, was the first time, still unsure how it works ... Cry out, because the organization had no gun or firecrackers, and come, run. And to suffer. Is not the same train of mountain race short for mountain. Are 9 km and it is tempting to think that you can go more or less strong for much of the race ... But then, seeing the slope ... I do not think that is the best option ...

started running, of course, going to know what this is. 500 meters fancy ramps to 11%, to be warming up. And I get to 170bpm. After 800 meters or less flat, the only of the whole race. I find it amazing that the option of Foreunner Journeys, an arrow on the clock is showing me the path and does not fail even once! After the first corners, delighted with the arrow on the Forerunner, a rise begins ongoing, inhumane, murderous, disproportionate criminal rompepiernas, amargacorazones, killer ... 2.6 kilometers per track more or less wide, rising an average gradient of 9.4% to complete the first four kilometers. The first three miles between 5:33 and 5:47, the fourth, after crowning the rise, at 6:42. Give us a bottle of water just before reaching the quarter mile in a small slide, I know glory. Water, not the slide ...

We have crossed the road and we get a very narrow track trial bike. 300 meters down a bit and going at times, a last Repechón murderer, only 200 meters, but 21% slope, and suddenly the Trialeras begins to drop sharply. Are 2 km and the negative slope is 9.5%, ahead of several runners who are not confident down the Cascadia do their job well, under very comfortable, 4:39 and 4:40 the sixth and seventh, fifth change at 5:44 so up and down. Regained some strength, rising left me plucked sharply down completely and a small ramp, ready to face the final two kilometers, which would be terrible ...

started to rise, and in the first few meters is noted that the legs have suffered and will cost to keep up. Google Earth altimetry tells me that the 8 mile is a steady rise to 14.8%. And the legs prove it. There were stretches where it was necessary to stop and walk. It was faster than running ... I suffer a lot, and if it's any consolation, nobody around me seems to be suffering the same or more ... I do that mile at 9:03. Atascadísimo ...

is a mile longer, it seems that the worst is over, but that last mile is also a tough hill ... Finishing a race with a last mile with a slope of 8.3% leaves a good taste ... I get to 6:40, and people get along in the park, on the flatter section, and crossed the goal when the Forerunner me 56:24 mark. The beats are average 171bpm, and I get to 183 at the end of the last climb ...

Yesterday I was looking at times last year did the first 27:46 to 4:05 pace. With that I made reference to the idea that race was not so hard ... But of course, had taken the calculator before, would have seen that going to run 4:05 for 6.8 miles is 27:46, not 9 as today. Obviously any reference rates or times of a career that did not seem to today could not be good, and could have advised that the route of this year was different.

Once across the goal gave us a goody bag, as always, some of Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin this case a knife, a giant macaroni with red pesto sauce to make at home if you had given me the facts I would have eaten immediately ... Fruit and drink, and collection bags. Little tail, I think it's time, failing to see the official results. Curious as to time ... We ran without a chip, so a lady saw us coming, he said aloud our race number, and a man wrote it in a very strange keyboard, steampunk aspect (the keyboard, not the Lord). To see how the times after leaving ...

Well as I thought the keyboard when I stood in line to pick up the clothes, it was already something of a mess. Two vans without any indication. The tail is made in only one of them. A veces salía un corredor con bolsa, y a veces otro con cara de cabreado en dirección a la otra furgoneta. Comienza a escucharse que una furgoneta es para los números pares, y otra para los impares. Pero la de los pares no tiene todos los pares... Total, que en la de los pares un corredor empezaba a cabrearse porque su bolsa no aparecía. No daba la sensación de que hubieran usado ningún algoritmo inteligente para repartir las bolsas en las cajas según su numeración. Imagino la situación, a última hora llegó mucha gente cuando faltaba muy poco para empezar la carrera, mucha cola, empiezan a recoger las bolsas rápido, ya no da tiempo a ordenarlas, así que, lo típico, pues bueno, las metemos como sea y and we manage somehow. Total chaos when picking them up. While truck boy racer looking bag I fucking pissed mine, I give it a voice, "please, give me that which is mine," he reaches it and peaceful respite after all the chaos with my bag have appeared unharmed, with the Kindle inside ...

I walk around looking for the exit, I change clothes, and when I look at the queue to collect the bags and it was spectacular ... I do not imagine that there will be bundled with the bags, I doubt if I have to send or receive something important to do so with Nacex.

But he had not done all. Were little more than 10:00, the funicular opened at 10:30 and secure would have much tail to catch it. There was an alternative route leading to the exit point, part road part by trial bike track. So tuck the way to Avenida Tibidabo, with the quadriceps loaded, ending the Powerade and pounding I took a little longer in the fall trial bike ... I almost know glory re-tread the road with my Cascadia after so much earth and stones ... And it tasted like heaven to sit on the railways in the direction of home. Bonita

race hard, very hard and intense, short distance to want to be strong, but hard to let you ramp without feathers in no time. Too bad there is no direct public transport more and more sorry guardabolsas sevice yet, pending for many careers.

A couple of pictures to remember ...

More tomorrow. Dues are the Pujada to Peter, next door. I liked what the Pathways , I'll do the route in Google Earth and pass the Forerunner, mola. To see how I walk in strength, I would like to make a good race in my home, my family is waiting and Manu will also come with their own, not a question of being late and broken to eat the sausage in front of everyone ...


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