Sunday, May 22, 2011

How To See Movie On Sony Tv With Usb

Chronicle Pujada to them Pedres

Chronicle yesterday could have been done with just two words ... My legs ... The

today, with three ... My poor legs ...

The race yesterday was much more difficult that I have no doubt. Today was also the last, but not much, but of course, make the two in a row bordering on madness. I do not think an animal returns to do so. The two races attracted me a lot, especially today. I signed up to Tibidabo when I knew that today was that of Santa Coloma, so I tried Luckily, I finished the two, quite whole, today I saw that he could have done better, tougher climbs and I choked on the last mile I ran out of gas and could not pull over, but the balance is very good, I've had a great time, especially today, with family, I saw my puppy debut made a big Kids Run also impressive and we celebrated by giving us a binge on The Tagliatella ... Can you ask for? :) First things first, like Jack the Ripper said ...

Good manners should not miss, so I wake up at 5:15 and early riser breakfast. After breakfast, a nap on the couch. And my big chachorro woke up shortly after and came to keep me company. You could see nerviosillo, would be his debut ... :)

Manu arrived on time at 8:10, left the clothes at home and headed toward the exit on foot. Finally our wives and puppies come shortly before the end of the race, so we already equipped to run, no bag or anything. A little warm up and stretching, many people do not know if it came to more than 800 runners, but if it had to be reached by very little. Atmosphere in the corridor, I loved seeing so many people waiting to get beat by miles and hills in my city, including many children and adolescents. We went to the starting area, a bit of a hassle and delay of 10 minutes, and run!

started down a wide track, but we are many brokers and must continue at the pace the group. The ten extra minutes of waiting we are all rather cold out, so the pace is gentle and non- I worry about moving positions, the body was not to overstrain and still had the hardest. 650 meters up a slope of 5.1%, 350 down, and just the first thousand meters at a pace of 5:04. Mentally, more by intuition than anything else, thought that making the race to 5:00 would be a good race. But that said, this had not just begun ...

The second mile is down a little, by a very narrow track, we must go in single file. We were good but could have gone faster. Well, not bad keeping forces. I thought the second mile to 4:49, and the fun begins.

smooth About 100 meters up, and suddenly we have a criminal ramp with a slope of 10% that lasts for more than half a kilometer. I grit my teeth and going up, but there comes a time when I can not run and I have to keep going. I think that in other circumstances would have gone well, but I paid yesterday. Stopped many people, the stretch was very hard. Just then turns toward Pedres Dues are going up and down a bit, regained some breath, turned on the Dues Pedres basically two stones on either side of the road, and just the third mile in 5:43. Repeat the slides to return to the original route, before the diversion, we return to the Street of the race, I can not forget that name in my life, and other Once up ... It was an appetizer before ... This time, the ramp lasted for almost 900 meters and up a slope of 11.6%. Without doubt, the hardest part of the race. At times I run but at times I walk ...

marks the fourth mile was still rising, my pace is 7:22. Forces'm very fair, but I know when it's over that hill the race is softer and I think is best for my profile. One last effort, crowned the ascent, we reached the first aid station. I stop, I drink a glass of water in two shots, I had never done anything like that, but I feel great ... Re-run and headed by a main road toward the village Vallensana, a very rare, we passed a horse and everything. The profile of that part of the race is much nicer, a little ramp immediately followed by a downhill, flat sections, I begin to recover from the effort and move runners. I'm the fifth mile at a pace of 5:26, recovering some time after the killer climb.

The sixth kilometer runs between urbanization and the Turo del Pollo, you have to suffer a bit on the last leg of the climb to Turo, but I do with forces, still passing runners and feeling a little better, although I'm not entirely fresh . Sixth mile to 5:14, just a piece of race for the heights and we must begin to fall, finally ... Returning

Turó there is still a hard uphill, but I do looking forward, I know it's short, I've been there several times, so I press and refers to the slope to stop. Start to descend, accelerate, let gravity pull on me, I know that part of the circuit and know that you can try to go fast, but I realize that I just left the forces. Seventh mile to 4:30.

The eighth in free fall. The race will estiradísima, I get a pair of runners. I do it at 3:59. Let

the ninth, is eased down in the mile before I had to go slow down, he had to rush in if they wanted to scrape a few seconds I give cane to the legs, I find, I'm tired, but there is little, it's time to push, just to 4:02.

And we are just a mile, I notice that you run out of fuel, I'm at a good pace but not advance to anyone, no down, the route is flat, we reached the park where he was out there to make a last piece of a very narrow road, press a little before reaching step this way and two runners, headed the final meters, there are no forces to sprint, but I get very happy, it has been a tough test, I expected the sausage !

49:50 Stop the Forerunner, I almost forgot, I think I did about 5 seconds less. The watch me and mark 9.82 miles it gives me an average pace of 5:04, the race officially was 10.5 kilometers, but the route is shortened to a length last year, so surely it was just over 10 miles. Between the time it took to stop the Forerunner and the distance that often cut the GPS, I think the real rate was slightly better than those 5:00 that intuition told me ... Average HR 172bpm and maximum of 187.

Manu came very soon after, made a carrerón! I had to throw for much of the race, only to end in the fall I lost it. We went for the sausage, which left us looking like new. I do not know what to do zombies when preparing the sausages, but they are magical, as shown here:

But that was only the first race! Raul debut missing my puppy more. One last photo with the coach before going to the starting line ...

Race 6 to 8 years was 500 meters depending on the organization, but rather were about 250 ... Line. Latest tips. Some nerves. I'm going to the finish line ... A shot is heard, and a kind of stampede of children down the road ... And as it goes, what estilazo!

We stayed a while resting in the grass and eating whatever was in the gift bags. A shower at home, and we went to eat all at The Tagliatella, an Italian restaurant where pasta place that costs me finish, so you can imagine how big are ...

Indeed, on Sunday May 29th we are organizing a left / runner training in Vilanova. Carles Aguilar confirmed, Rafa Maier and myself. The meeting point is the season of Villanova at 9:00 am. Would you join, right? If you like, please tell me something to count on you.


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